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AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Chili said:
Were you the kid at school hating the kid's with nice clothes because you had to wear hand me downs? Do you begrudge every person on the Interstate with the a vehicle that is worth more than the one you own?

Life's short dude, enjoy what you have and if it's not enough for you work harder to get some more and forget about what everyone else is doing with their $$$.
I hate poor people


Aug 21, 2005
There is no anger there, I just tend to not like people much, and many make it easy. I have been around long enough to know who (and what) I am. It is distinctly possible that people see me the same way, and that is fine too. If you knew me better, you probably still wouldn't get it, but you would think you do.;)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
FruDaddy said:
There is no anger there, I just tend to not like people much, and many make it easy. I have been around long enough to know who (and what) I am. It is distinctly possible that people see me the same way, and that is fine too. If you knew me better, you probably still wouldn't get it, but you would think you do.;)

So help me get it? As far as your posts in this thread all I see are petty jealousy and anger.

You tend to not like people much? The world is full of people but perhaps Pred can hook you up with accommodations in the unibomber shack to help you avoid all of them. How does anyone get to know you better if you don't like people? Or is that you only like people who have less than you in life?


Dec 31, 1969


Oct 3, 2002
I wonder how many of the folks in the high dollar rigs are in hock up to there eyeballs and not putting any money away for the golden years. You know, Social Security will be there. Why worry?

No anger or resenment here. Maybe a little envious that I don't have the cajones to spend 110% of what I make.


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
I was helping out my friend during one of his races with the bike and also to encourage him. He and his brother have as much money as I have so yeah they're poor (at least they can afford to race). So they come at the races in an old and worn down blue panel and have a paled out Honda tent and you know they don't look rich at all. We were eating between two heats and the guy owning the huge motor home parked beside us comes with 3 beers and hangs them to us saying, "vous faites pitiés". Fortunately he has a good sense of humor and was not frustrated by the remark.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
We still have a lot of "poor" people around here

Speaking of's your poor guy with the flail broken dick doing as regards his seeking millions in suffering and punitive damages? ;)


Aug 21, 2005
Okiewan said:
Okay, how about misguided resentment?
I don't view it as misguided.

While I don't like people in general, I don't go out of my way to avoid them either. I don't feel the need to impress anybody, and don't seek their approval. I am jealous of no one, because I know that I am more intelligent than most. My personal opinions do have the ability to upset some, especially those that do not know me. Believe it or not, I am actually a likeable guy. Hauling a PW50 to a small town MX track is simply pretentious, much like the 50 year old in the new Vette or Ferrari. It is done to get noticed, so others will see what you have and wish they could be you. Very few Corvette owners buy the cars for the performance value. It also reminds me of the first commercial Hummers, how many of them were even taken down a dirt road? And it was, IMO, the ultimate off road vehicle. Those who would pay the $90k price tag, did so just to have the biggest SUX on the market. I am also reminded of a conversation that I once had with the owner of a white Ford Excursion. He said early in the conversation that he bought the truck "for the ride". Later he said that he had to nearly stop before crossing a RR track because it would beat him up. I them politely reminded him that he bought a truck. He clearly bought the Excursion because of the trend, and as a status symbol.

Of course, not everybody who owns suck luxuries bothers me. I did once meet a man that was driving the HD edition F150. I inquired as to why he chose that particular truck, and he told me that it was the best interior that he could find. This made sense to me.

I don't always take the time to find out the back story, because, most of the time, it just make me think less of the other party. It is a rare occasion when someone can actually provide a reasonable explanation, but you can often see it in their eyes.

Have you ever listened to professional jocks or hip-hop artists talk about their possessions? They don't even know what they have, they just buy stuff for show. Then their 8th grade education makes it worse. I realize that most professional atheletes have at least 3 1/2 years of college, but most have obviously been given a little "help" since making the high school team.

For anybody that has continued reading this little rant, I'm thinking about writing a book, but I don't expect that I ever will. If you don't think that people in general are sheep, perhaps you should reflect on your high school life and see how many stupid fads you took part in. That's right, you are taught to be a follower at an early age, or you suffer the ridicule of the flock, and most never really outgrow it.

I think that I'm done explaining myself now.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
What I find funny here is the assumption that a guy driving a 15 year Corolla is poor...there's a chance that he might be the humble/frugal type and is quite a bit richer than you'd think. Not everyone is comfortable with owning stuff ........ the thought of getting rid of everything and taking to the road with just a backback and living a life of carefree bliss has crossed the minds of more than a few rich people, I think (but no one posting above)

The people I envy most are those that have a property with a legal place to park an RV on a permanant basis. Just recently, my 15 year old fence blew down (I see a pattern here), so I thought it was my chance to rebuild it with a large gate, so that I could park a toyhauler (if or when I got one). When I went out to look around, I spotted a new sign that the city had just put up (on my property) and it said something like "Parking of RV's in this neighborhood is prohibited in accordance with ordinace yada yada". My hopes of having an RV parked beside my house were done. :pissed: I guess my only option would be to store it someplace and then pick it up and park it for a short time to load up.

Which reminds me, I saw a new 4000ft home with 2 two car garages and an RV pad for 600K (four years ago?) close to my work. At the time I thought, "Ahh..the value will drop and I'll be stuck holding the bag". What's it worth now? least 1.5 mil. :bang: It doesn't matter though, because I couldn't afford a 600K house back then anyway....

Damn rich people... :yell:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I hate arrogant people who think they are more intelligent than most everyone else


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
FruDaddy said:
I don't view it as misguided.

While I don't like people in general, I don't go out of my way to avoid them either. Believe it or not, I am actually a likeable guy.
Maybe but with your attitude I doubt I would waste my time to find that out
FruDaddy said:
Hauling a PW50 to a small town MX track is simply pretentious, much like the 50 year old in the new Vette or Ferrari. It is done to get noticed, so others will see what you have and wish they could be you. Very few Corvette owners buy the cars for the performance value.
Quite possible that some do buy it for status but I would bet many more buy it because they feel they worked hard and earned the right to reward themselves
FruDaddy said:
I don't always take the time to find out the back story, because, most of the time, it just make me think less of the other party. It is a rare occasion when someone can actually provide a reasonable explanation, but you can often see it in their eyes.
Yes I see now, you can see their soul through their eyes and your judgement is the one and only explanation of who they are. Ihave that talent also but by reading posts and I see a stupid self centerred person

FruDaddy said:
Have you ever listened to professional jocks or hip-hop artists talk about their possessions? They don't even know what they have, they just buy stuff for show. Then their 8th grade education makes it worse.
See my above response about earning the right to posses something. These people are not the same in that they often have done very little to earn the item and therefor have no sense of fullfillment in owning it
FruDaddy said:
I think that I'm done explaining myself now.
Thank you now take your selfcenterred attitude and stop trying to impress us with your own superiority. BTW I am just an old, stupid, retired public employee that only seeks to meet new interesting people and find a common bond with them regardless of their possesions (or lack of)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
I hate people who hate me because of what I have.
I have wanted a corvette since I was 8 years old. not because it said the owner was rich, it was cause I thought they were neat looking and be fun to drive for nothing else but fun. So I bought 1 when I was 30 years old and I just loved it. I raced it for a while , for fun I might add. I worked, made money and bought the toy of my dreams, does this make me a jerk? I also worked, and bought a house I could afford comftorably, its a nice house. Does this make me a jerk. If my income would allow, I would replace my 6x12 enclosed trailer with a rockstar Motorhome and bring along my riding buddies for free. Id even have bikes for them to ride, Im such an ass.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
holeshot said:
What I find funny here is the assumption that a guy driving a 15 year Corolla is poor...there's a chance that he might be the humble/frugal type and is quite a bit richer than you'd think. :
Holeshot I stated it poorly but used this as only an example to refute Frudaddy's broad statement. I drive a 22 year old Pont Fiero because it is a cheap daily drive and fun to drive so I also have my frugal side ;)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
I just remembered,
Oldguy once picked me up at my house, drove me to dirtweek, let me sleep in his nice camper, cooked for me, gave his kitty litter bucket to a disabled YT250 rider, AND did it with a smile on his face. He must be a jerk to. And I must not be intelligent, cause I thought he was just being nice.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
sparkysakitas said:
its all about the bling nowadays :coocoo:

We haul a 6x12 enclosed trailer with a '98 Explorer. We usually race both days and it's almost 2hrs+ to any track. It's a pain to load back up, come home, wash bikes, clean up and get to bed at a reasonable time. So we camp out in the trailer. We put the bikes outside, lower the easy-up and blow up our air mattress. We have a box fan and heater than we use when it is cold or hot. Since it's To clean up we use a "portable shower" from wal-mart. A black bag that holds a few gallons of water with an attached hose, valve and "shower head". We do have a small generator we use to run the lights, fan, heater and power washer. Our set up isn't fancy, but it didn't cost us a lot of money and we're comfortable.

When we don't race both days, we haul our bikes, gear and tools in the old Dakota. That works fine too.

We would like to have a nice truck and toy hauler, but at this time it's not necessary. Where we live now, we don't have a place to store a toy hauler and we're not paying to store it and having to worry if everything is okay.

We do okay without the bling :nod:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
FruDaddy said:
If you don't think that people in general are sheep, perhaps you should reflect on your high school life and see how many stupid fads you took part in. That's right, you are taught to be a follower at an early age, or you suffer the ridicule of the flock, and most never really outgrow it.

You are no different than a girl I used to date who refused to date people who worked on cars. She didn't want to be with a "Grease Monkey" and judged people just as unfairly as you do.

I didn't get in any fads growing up. I was dirt poor and had Christmas' that I didn't celebrate with gifts because we couldn't afford it.

Now I routinely spend out the ass on things like Christmas and special events like the Atlanta SX where I stay at the Omni and get the nicest things I can afford.

I don't do it to impress anyone. I do it because I like being able to afford things and when I get to the point that I can afford an RV I will get one for MY comfort. Because I can afford to be comfortable and damnit, I earned it.

It's MY money so I can do with it what I want... even if all I want to do is buy 100 lottery tickets, or a new coat every day or an RV or a new bike every 3 months. It is my money and only affects me.

Judging people without knowing them is something you seem to be criticizing us for since we won't see your point of view but you are doing it much worse.

I don't feel the need to impress anybody, and don't seek their approval.

No... you just find a need to tear down anyone who has more than you because they obviously are inferior to you... you are just trying to impress yourself.

I am jealous of no one,

No... you are jeolous of everyone it seems.

because I know that I am more intelligent than most.

Not from where I'm sitting.



Aug 21, 2005
truespode said:
Judging people without knowing them is something you seem to be criticizing us for since we won't see your point of view but you are doing it much worse.
Nope, I'm not criticizing anybody here for it, have at it and enjoy. I do have a lot of respect for most of you, but don't expect this to change my attitudes, it has taken me many years to for develop them. Yes, I am cleary being judged by the statement that I made, and my basis for that statement isn't changing anything, only fueling the fire. If I weren't willing to accept that judgement, I wouldn't have put it out there. We all have the right to hold our own opinions.

In the end, we are not all that different, then again, we are very different.

Pred, keep the hate alive :p


Jan 30, 2000
Wow, matching gear, that would be cool!


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
Why all that commotion FruDaddy? If you had money to afford a motor home and the big pickup truck with the spare bikes, wouldn't you do it?

This is the part where Pred steps in and calls a group hug :rotfl:

After that comes the


May 12, 2006
My parents bought me my first car a turbo diesel vw jetta 1999. Does this make me rich and spoiled? I hope not because I dont have all new nice stuff. yes my dad has a lot of nice toys and such but it is not for showing off! ya Frudaddy maybe you could understand my dad works 50-60 hours a week to have a new nice diesel truck and 35ft toyhauler. But remember to that working a lot of hours dosent leave time for much fun....
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