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Aug 21, 2005
trial_07 said:
Why all that commotion FruDaddy? If you had money to afford a motor home and the big pickup truck with the spare bikes, wouldn't you do it?
Actually, the commotion was unintentional, but somewhat amusing.

As far as the big pickup truck goes, I am quite fond of the International XT line, but I doubt that I would actually buy one if the opportunity should arise. That thing would be a beast to maneuver through a parking lot, and fueling it would be a nightmare. Even if the fuel were cheap, the time spent dumping that much diesel into the tank at most stations wouldn't be worth it. I am considering one of the Hemi Ram 1500's, I ike the size of the Mega Cab, but I can't stand the cupholders. The new Quad cabs are also nice, but I couldn't come to terms with the dealership. We'll see how I feel when the 08's come out.
I have absolutely no desire to drive an RV to the track on a regular basis. If I ever do need one, I'll rent it. I have considered a large enclosed trailer though, and I might invest in a small enclosed trailer within the next year.

Hey, weren't you involved in a similar assault not too long ago? :)


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Hey, weren't you involved in a similar assault not too long ago?

He's a child... you are supposedly an intelligent adult but hey if you can identify more with him than the older members of this board then so be it.



Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
I guess I'm the richy rich type guy! No motor home though, yet I can see it in the future!

Up until 2001 I never even owned riding boots or a Jersey! Like True Spode Christmas was not a good time for me. I chose to work every holiday from the time I could drive until I had kids.

I'm probably the most humble person, the most giving to those deserving, and will do whatever I can to help friends and family in need yet I've worked like a slave to get what I have in order to provide a better living for my kids.

What pisses me off is I get Judged all the time! I here crap from family members like hope your rich cousin draws your name for the Christmas name draw, I get letters from cousins to sponsor their highschool football team, and all the damn school fund raiser crap! I have an uncle who says must be nice haing a silver spoon! It's not fun being judged, but I worked for it while the others await the great American handout!

I'm I living beyond my means, maybe, do I have savings, Nope, but I have a plan, and it is that my kids will have what I didn't have, they will have a College education, while at the same time they do have responsibiliteis, and they do have chores and we are having fun!

If I have to wrok until 70 to retire, so be it! I'd rather live life now then when it's too late! :)


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
I am considering one of the Hemi Ram 1500's
FYI, you'll spend as much time fueling that as the International ;) Worse then the Hummers


Aug 21, 2005
truespode said:
He's a child... you are supposedly an intelligent adult but hey if you can identify more with him than the older members of this board then so be it.

Yet another simple statement blown up.

I would assume that you are now claiming that mentally I am just a child. This is an occasion where the more vocal "older members" of this forum don't agree with something that I said. Now, pretty much anything I say will be misquoted and used against me. Good for you all. Please note that I am not attacking anybody on this board, because I don't really disagree with anything that you have said. I do, however feel that many of you need to understand what intelligence is.

Now I reference Webster who say that intelligence is "The quality, exercise, or product of active intellect; intellect; knowledge; ability to exercise the higher mental functions; readiness of comprehension". There is more, but I think that this is enough to see that intelligence does not indicate a level of common sense; something that is not evidently being discussed here. Also, intelligence does not indicate a level of education; also not on topic.

Where it relates here is the fact that a persons intellect has no bearing on fairness or prejudicial tendencies. If it did, then we could safely assume that there were less than ten intelligent men living in the south during the years of slavery. Wait, the north was full of prejudice as well, so there must not have been a whole lot of intelligence up there either. Yes, this is an extreme example, but the only thing that I have actually done to upset so many people, was to admit that I have pre-judged people in my life. Now this prejudice was not racially motivated, although some could argue that it may have been culturally motivated.

Now I ask you, if you have daughters (otherwise pretend that you do), to imagine her bringing home a new boyfriend. Now which would you prefer, a clean shaven boy, with short neat hair, a collared shirt, and khakis; or a boy wearing torn jeans, a t-shirt bearing the logo from a heavy metal band, and earrings, having long hair and a 3 day beard. I would likely prefer the former even though I am fully aware that neither is any worse than the other. Of course, choosing either one, based solely on the information that I have provided is exactly the same thing that I have been found guilty of here. Forming an opinion of someone based solely on physical observation, and without adequate background information on the subject.


Aug 21, 2005
mxrider76 said:
My parents bought me my first car a turbo diesel vw jetta 1999. Does this make me rich and spoiled? I hope not because I dont have all new nice stuff. yes my dad has a lot of nice toys and such but it is not for showing off! ya Frudaddy maybe you could understand my dad works 50-60 hours a week to have a new nice diesel truck and 35ft toyhauler. But remember to that working a lot of hours dosent leave time for much fun....
Not sure that your stuff is really relevant here, but maybe your dad should ease up a bit and enjoy life more while he is young. All that work will make him old before his time.


Aug 21, 2005
bsmith said:
FYI, you'll spend as much time fueling that as the International ;) Worse then the Hummers
It gets 25% better mileage than my current truck. I don't know if you are aware, but it has the variable displacement system that shuts down half of the engine once you reach cruising speed. Also, the insurance on an 07 quad cab is cheaper than my 2000. Both have 26 gallon tanks, but the 07 can be had with larger.

I'm not really sure of the specs, but the International XT's appear to have at least on 100+ gallon tank, and I wouldn't expect to get better than 10 mpg. In fact, 10 would likely be overly optimistic.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
FruDaddy said:
I would assume that you are now claiming that mentally I am just a child.

No. I think you are nothing more than the thousands I have seen on the Internet since 1998. Nothing special. Nothing new.

I do, however feel that many of you need to understand what intelligence is.

If it is not liking people in general and being able to cut and paste from Webster's website then I think I'm too stupid to get it.

Now I ask you, if you have daughters (otherwise pretend that you do), to imagine her bringing home a new boyfriend. Now which would you prefer, a clean shaven boy, with short neat hair, a collared shirt, and khakis; or a boy wearing torn jeans, a t-shirt bearing the logo from a heavy metal band, and earrings, having long hair and a 3 day beard. I would likely prefer the former even though I am fully aware that neither is any worse than the other. Of course, choosing either one, based solely on the information that I have provided is exactly the same thing that I have been found guilty of here. Forming an opinion of someone based solely on physical observation, and without adequate background information on the subject.

If you knew me you would know I wouldn't have judged anyone until interacting with them.

You have said you dislike most people in general. Fine. You said you think anyone who uses their money to buy something expensive is showing off.

I think you are just trolling for your 15 minutes like all the McGarry's, Mallards, Bruhn's, Rat's and all that came before you.

You got it. You got me to respond on a day when I'm extremely bored, have a crazy headache and wanted the entertainment of watching you continually post nonsense.

I played along... it's getting late and I have class to go to so unfortunately I won't see your next response until tomorrow and by then I will have forgotten about this thread and probably won't click on it.

I do think the opinions you have posted about wealth is judgmental, unfair and ridiculous. But you are allowed to continue to have them since the worst thing it is going to do is put more ASCII on DRN.



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
FruDaddy said:
Not sure that your stuff is really relevant here, but maybe your dad should ease up a bit and enjoy life more while he is young. All that work will make him old before his time.

So... you are able to tell from that one post that his father is working too hard at something he doesn't enjoy and going to be old before his time?

Carnac is on DRN... great :laugh:



Aug 21, 2005
truespode said:
Fine. You said you think anyone who uses their money to buy something expensive is showing off.
Actually, I never said that, you put it in yourself. Enjoy your class.


Aug 21, 2005
truespode said:
So... you are able to tell from that one post that his father is working too hard at something he doesn't enjoy and going to be old before his time?

Carnac is on DRN... great :laugh:

Did you happen to notice the word maybe there? It was included for a reason.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
FruDaddy said:
Actually, I never said that, you put it in yourself.

No... you said...

it is a vulgar display of wealth. A glorious way of saying, "I have more money than you".

Phrasal Verbs:
show off
To display or behave in an ostentatious or conspicuous way.

Sounds like showing off to me.

Maybe I will remember this enough to stop by tomorrow.



Aug 21, 2005
truespode said:
If it is not liking people in general and being able to cut and paste from Webster's website then I think I'm too stupid to get it.
That wasn't a cut and paste, I actually picked up a dictionary, looked up the word, and typed it all in myself. If it were a cut and paste, I would have included the rest of it.
If you knew me you would know I wouldn't have judged anyone until interacting with them.
So you think that you have interacted with me enough to judge me based on this one brief discussion? Sorry, even this is not enough for me to pretend that I really know who you are. But I can form an opinion.
I think you are just trolling for your 15 minutes like all the McGarry's, Mallards, Bruhn's, Rat's and all that came before you.
Wrong again, this all came by accident, because you, among others, took exception to something that I said. Perhaps you were looking for a debate so that you might feel superior, and I hope you do, for I do not believe that your morals are as high as you think they are, (or you want others to think they are). As I said before, I know who I am.
You got it. You got me to respond on a day when I'm extremely bored, have a crazy headache and wanted the entertainment of watching you continually post nonsense.
Maybe when your headache subsides, you will see that you are not so different from me. Because you think that you disagree, does not make it nonsense, but there is a deeper explanation that I will not dive into, as I said, I am no longer attemting to explain my opinion.
I played along... it's getting late and I have class to go to so unfortunately I won't see your next response until tomorrow and by then I will have forgotten about this thread and probably won't click on it.
I bet you do, and I hope you have enjoyed this discussion as much as I have.
I do think the opinions you have posted about wealth is judgmental, unfair and ridiculous.
Was there really more than 1, I only recall posting the single opinion regarding the huge motorhome and the tiny little bike. Everything else was part of that opinion, and it wasn't really about wealth. It was more about the apparent need for a person to feel elite. I will concur that it was judgemental. It was also a little unfair, but so is the rest of life. I'm not sure about ridiculous though, that's a subjective thing, and since you seem to have really missed the original point (not about wealth), I have my doubts as to whether or not you are qualified to make that statement.
But you are allowed to continue to have them since the worst thing it is going to do is put more ASCII on DRN.
We clearly agree here

I noticed on your website that you list d29, will you be racing at JMP on the 25th?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
FruDaddy said:
I am jealous of no one, because I know that I am more intelligent than most.
In my experience, those who extoll the virtues their intelligence aren't near as intelligent as they say they are.

But maybe that's just me. I've also always found that it's better to have people think you are a fool rather than say something and remove all doubt.

and, as far as the daughter dating goes, I pity the fool who tries to date mine, whether he's got the khakis or the death metal t-shirt. I just plan on telling him "you see that little girl there? She's my whole world. I just got out of prison, and I'm not afraid to go back."


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
FruDaddy said:
Maybe when your headache subsides, you will see that you are not so different from me.

Never said I was. I'm not much different than the poor man in a trailer or the rich man in a motorhome. Not different than you either or I wouldn't be cutting and pasting and going in late to class just to post a response ;)

as I said, I am no longer attempting to explain my opinion.

Didn't you say that after your first post?

I hope you have enjoyed this discussion as much as I have.

Honestly, no I didn't enjoy it. It was just a way to pass the time. I used to get in these things with posters a long time ago for fun but once you realize all they want is to find one thing they can find from each post to go off on a tangent with it gets boring feeding them.

But you obviously followed suit just like I thought you would.

If I had more to do today or if I was getting more e-mails from other places I wouldn't bother. Your opinions don't really bother me or affect me but it is interesting to see your replies.

it wasn't really about wealth. It was more about the apparent need for a person to feel elite.

Sort of like when someone says...

I know that I am more intelligent than most.

That was really the statement that showed me I could dangle the string in front of the cat (you) and you would chase it.

since you seem to have really missed the original point (not about wealth),

No. I got your point and if you would have left it alone a few posts back I wouldn't have continued to dangle the string.

I have my doubts as to whether or not you are qualified to make that statement.

So you are qualified to judge my qualifications? How about my intelligence? What if I told you I never graduated High School? Or what if I told you I am still in High School? Does that give my opinion less or more credit in your superior intellectual mind?

Overall, my intelligence is at best average. But I am fine with that and like it.

I don't like elitists in any way. Whether it be them flaunting money thinking they are better than someone or saying they are smarter than someone else. I have met a lot of dumb smart people and vice versus.

I doubt you are an elitist. I just think you used some phrases here that were judgmental and unfair.

We are just people... that is all. Don't matter what we drive we all have our vulnerabilities and insecurities.

I noticed on your website that you list d29, will you be racing at JMP on the 25th?

Probably not. I have foregone most AMA MX events because I'm not really that good. I'll do an occassional (as in once in a blue moon) Ultra Series but stick mostly to JMX stuff for MX, Mid-East for Harescramble and the occassional NCHSA or GNCC.

But I'm old and slow so I don't compete to compete... just to get out and have fun.

I spend most of my time at TNT. Come out and you can show me how much faster you are than I (and that is not an incendiary comment... most people are truly faster than I am).



Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
truespode said:
He's a child... you are supposedly an intelligent adult but hey if you can identify more with him than the older members of this board then so be it.


I thought a child was a bit younger than 17 years old don't you think? :rotfl: Not to seem pretentious or anything, but my reasoning is sometimes better than some adults, just like other 17 year olds (even if we don't have much life experiences). So calling me a child aroused some kind of incomprehension.
Last edited:


Aug 21, 2005
XRpredator said:
In my experience, those who extoll the virtues their intelligence aren't near as intelligent as they say they are.
I agree, perhaps I should not have mentioned intellect, but I did, and it's done.
But maybe that's just me. I've also always found that it's better to have people think you are a fool rather than say something and remove all doubt.
But that on is a little too cliche.
and, as far as the daughter dating goes, I pity the fool who tries to date mine, whether he's got the khakis or the death metal t-shirt. I just plan on telling him "you see that little girl there? She's my whole world. I just got out of prison, and I'm not afraid to go back."
and a very funny movie that was. I am currently planning my datinbase where I will keep photos, tag numbers, and other pertinent information on any horny little punk that makes it through the interview.

Ivan, the vulgar display wasn't the act of buying something nice and/or expensive, it was the single act of one that was noted and placed in my memory. That act joined itself to a few other similar incidents and they became one. Under other circumstances, I wouldn't have even give the object a second look, for example: I once was at the same track on a Wednesday night practice and parked next to a very large RV. At some point I entered a conversation with the owner (a father) who had come down from S. Carolina to ride for a few days. This is a totally different situation to me.
I also, do not include the examples that the other members here have provided, as they do not seem to be flaunting their wealth in such a manner. I am much more open minded that you may think, while I will form an opinion, and make a hasty judgement, I an open to the fact that I may be wrong, and therefore, I will alter my opinion toward any person as new information presents itself to me. My opinion of people in general; not changing anytime soon.


Sep 16, 2006
trial_07 said:
Lol I thought a child was younger than 17 years old don't you think? :rotfl:

i still consider myself a child, at 15. although i am taller than most adults, maybe even pred :) , but then again pred probly has 125 pounds on me. :nener:

frudaddy's posts are filled with prejudice and it's obvious he's a troll. obviously he hasn't figured himself out yet, jealousy has got the best of him, and it's saddening actually.


Play with gravity
Apr 26, 2004
elliot67 said:
i still consider myself a child, at 15. although i am taller than most adults, maybe even pred :) , but then again pred probly has 125 pounds on me. :nener:

frudaddy's posts are filled with prejudice and it's obvious he's a troll. obviously he hasn't figured himself out yet, jealousy has got the best of him, and it's saddening actually.

Things happen between 17 and 15 years old elliot :cool: Nevertheless you're not a child.

I forged my opinion on FruDaddy way before this thread. Did you ever notice since you're on DRN how his replies are clear, complete, and helpful? He has helped me and others on many occasions. This tells me he probably is kind, devoted, perfectionist, and generous of his time. You probably know as well as I do that what is said is sometimes interpreted wrong. I am not for FruDaddy or Ivan, I just think this is a way too big fight for a simple post.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Chili said:
Some of the jealousy in this thread is hilarious.

74 Winny........antique gold appliances, shag carpet, 4.5 mpg.
Will someone PLEASE be jealous?


Aug 21, 2005
elliot67 said:
i still consider myself a child, at 15. although i am taller than most adults, maybe even pred :) , but then again pred probly has 125 pounds on me. :nener:

frudaddy's posts are filled with prejudice and it's obvious he's a troll. obviously he hasn't figured himself out yet, jealousy has got the best of him, and it's saddening actually.

15, after the exchange rate that's about 12 US right? :laugh: (joke there)
Not nearly so much prejudice as you think. As far as being a troll, in this one isolated incident, yeah, but not at first. I wasn't the only one; he even admitted to dangling the string. I just tied a carrot to it and threw it back.
Don't be sad, I know exactly who I am, and someday, you willl know who you are as well. When I was your age, I was only beginning to have a clue about who I am. I wish I knew that then.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
lol, on your homepage, 'FruMonkey' lists an 05 Mustang as their favorite car. Are you sure that you can be certain of their intentions? Is this a gross expression of wealth jealousy, or do they (at age 9 or so) happen to prefer the powertrain, handling, etc. of this model over all others?

As Ivan said, FruDaddy, you are attempting (exceedingly) to convince everybody that you're different than everyone else, and are therefore a common 'troll' type on internet forums. Listen....nobody fxxking cares.

Generalizations are bound to be wrong, but this one takes the cake, chief:
Very few Corvette owners buy the cars for the performance value.
lol! I've got a 68 on jackstands that I'm building only for performance purposes. Who in the hell am I trying to impress? What...go cruisin' for chicks @ age 40 in my lumpity-lump, fuel-smelling, no-AC, no radio, no heater car? My dream started at age 12, when my Uncle Jim took me out in his 69 and pegged 160mph (with open headers and flames soaking through the floor).

You're either fairly young and simply have a lot to learn (yes, society WILL break you. You WILL NOT break society. No matter how strong your delusions, you WILL be corrected), or ....delusions, concrete language, negative obsessive thought, people avoidance (do you work as a guard on the night shift somewhere?)....all adds up to Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia. Maybe an early bipolar. Since I don't know your age, it's hard to tell. But be sure that there is a lot of pathology in your words, whether your expert ass chooses to believe it or not. You're just WRONG. ;)


Aug 21, 2005
trial_07 said:
Things happen between 17 and 15 years old elliot :cool: Nevertheless you're not a child.

I forged my opinion on FruDaddy way before this thread. Did you ever notice since you're on DRN how his replies are clear, complete, and helpful? He has helped me and others on many occasions. This tells me he probably is kind, devoted, perfectionist, and generous of his time. You probably know as well as I do that what is said is sometimes interpreted wrong. I am not for FruDaddy or Ivan, I just think this is a way too big fight for a simple post.
Thank you for your kind words, and you are correct to not take sides. This has been a long dicsussion based on a somewhat misinterpreted statement. I say somewhat, because it was really just blown way out of proportion, and I allowed that. Ivan isn't the only one that was a little bored. I have actually had a lot of fun here today.
I am not really sure that it should be called a fight though, it's more of a heated debate. I suppose tomorrow we'll see if it's over. Likely we are all tired enough of it to tie up the loose ends and let it die. That is, until next year when some newb resurrects it.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
yes, society WILL break you. You WILL NOT break society. No matter how strong your delusions, you WILL be corrected

If Howard Roark could do it, so can FruDaddy :)


Aug 21, 2005
nephron said:
lol, on your homepage, 'FruMonkey' lists an 05 Mustang as their favorite car. Are you sure that you can be certain of their intentions? Is this a gross expression of wealth jealousy, or do they (at age 9 or so) happen to prefer the powertrain, handling, etc. of this model over all others?;)
Oh boy, here we go again. But I'll try try to not dwell too long here. The Frumonkey, my son, likes the Mustang. Since he is currently napping, I choose to not wake him and ask, but he does enjoy speed, and likes a good hard turn. I also seem to recall that he likes the external styling of the vehicle. I just hope he changes his mind as he gets older, I'm not a Ford man.
As Ivan said, FruDaddy, you are attempting (exceedingly) to convince everybody that you're different than everyone else, and are therefore a common 'troll' type on internet forums.
I am not trying to convince anybody of anything, I have even said that I am not so different. I am doing exactly the same thing as Ivan at this point, feeding you like he was feeding me. In reality, had nobody attacked my opinion, which originally was harmless, I would have had nothing to explain, and had Ivan not dangled the string, I wouldn't have grabbed hold and taken the ride.
Listen....nobody fxxking cares.
If that were true, you (and everybody else) would have let it go. Instead, you chose to chime in.
Generalizations are bound to be wrong, but this one takes the cake, chief: lol! I've got a 68 on jackstands that I'm building only for performance purposes. Who in the hell am I trying to impress? What...go cruisin' for chicks @ age 40 in my lumpity-lump, fuel-smelling, no-AC, no radio, no heater car? My dream started at age 12, when my Uncle Jim took me out in his 69 and pegged 160mph (with open headers and flames soaking through the floor).
I believe that you are the exception, especially if we look back to the age of your Vette. While I would expect to find a '68 in a garage, i would also expect to find a cover on it. The beauty of vehicle that old, tend to be visible only on sunny spring or autumn days. Good for you that you plan to actually drive it.
You're either fairly young and simply have a lot to learn (yes, society WILL break you. You WILL NOT break society. No matter how strong your delusions, you WILL be corrected), or ....delusions, concrete language, negative obsessive thought, people avoidance (do you work as a guard on the night shift somewhere?)....all adds up to Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia. Maybe an early bipolar. Since I don't know your age, it's hard to tell. But be sure that there is a lot of pathology in your words, whether your expert ass chooses to believe it or not. You're just WRONG.
Actually, I am far older than you may think. I'll go with 30 something, it's close enough. Society will only break the weak minded, has it broken you? But I do realize that society cannot be changed by one, and this topic isn't its biggest problem. I hope you got a psychology degree to go with the medical, otherwise your attemp to diagnose my mental state should be abandoned. Besides, you would have to spend a lot more time with me to even begin. So, is the pathology coming from all of my words, or just the ones in this thread? Oh, and what did I claim to be an expert on? I only stated an opinion. I didn't even try to back it up with fact, thus keeping it as an opinion, and an opinion cannot be right or wrong. And I didn't say that I avoid people, I said that I don't like people very much, there is a difference. So you'll be better able to diagnose that statement, I speak of people as a whole (the society that you speak of) and not the individuals in it. Good to see all of your time in college has paid off. You have clearly stepped out of your comfort zone on this one, you should just leave the psychology to my shrink.

That took way too long, and now I need to find a shrink.
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