
May 8, 2001
i love my mtb but i crash on it way more than my mxr. after a good bicycle ride, i like to ride around popping wheelies.....im 40. good news here. i started at 191 and weighed in at 182 this morning. this afternoon i decided to run for time in a mile. i didnt think i could break 8:00 but i did with a 7:41!! ill keep up the workouts and do it again in a month. yesterday, i talked my wife into going jogging with me. she plays 30+ womens soccer and has been doing a little jogging in preparation for her upcoming spring season. she usually goes out on 20-30 min runs. she has never gone more than 2-3miles. i talked her into doing 5miles with me. it was tough as she told me "this is not fun" more than once. we were on an out and back route and i thought about telling her to wait and i would run back and come back for her with a vehicle. she soldiered on and with 1.5miles to go she got a second wind and made it no problem. she told me that she would of never thought of even trying it. i am always amazed at how the human body can do more than what we give it credit for. if you are trying to get in better shape for performance, looks, health ect., keep doing it and your body will do as much as you let it.


Dec 23, 2005
My goal is to lose 50 pounds I had a health problem that made me gain 70 pounds since me and my fiance got together. But if I lose weight it will also help my problem I went from 185 to 255 I've got to lose this weight so I am watching what and how much I eat and I have been walking when I can, but I joined a gym and Monday I get back on my work out routine but it is already looking good so far I've lost 10 pounds so wish me good luck.


May 8, 2001
way to go ryan. is that health problem gone? get in there and get started doing something you can stick with over the long haul......long enough to make it a habit.


Sep 20, 2005
I should probably shape up as well! I plan on entering my first desert race the end of Feb. If I could get my stamina up by then I think I could do well. So far besides riding I haven't had much motivation. I have a hard time running (boring) and I only get to ride about 2 times a week. Any suggestions on making cardio fun?


May 8, 2001
mountain biking is good for cardio if you are on trails with elevation. i guarantee your heart a good workout. you will also be using balance and coordination in the control of a two wheeled object which cant hurt you when you get on a motorcycle. be aware though, lots of peeps crash their brains out on mtb. i crash way more often on that dang bicycle than my cr.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Well my first go around at this whole getting in shape thing didn't seem to work out for me...so I'm trying a new tactic!

This morning I started my first of (hopefully) early morning walks. I got up at 5:45 a.m. and out the door I went...got a good 20 minute walk in with some hard core up hill walking near the end to get that heart of mine pumping! I'm going to try to do this every day, wish me luck!


Mar 27, 2004
What? First round didn't go so well? I know you have been diligent w/ your workouts Squeeky!....
I've only lost 2 pounds this month even w/ walking 5 miles a day 5 days per week! It's my understanding that you will be more successful if you lose it slowly than to fast or else you tend to gain it all back plus more. Don't lose faith girlfriend!!!

I just found out my hubby leaves for Iraq in 2 1/2 weeks. He is taking the place of a Marine who had to drop out. He is a helicopter pilot and will be gone for 1 year....I think the stress of this will help me to lose weight LOL! I'm grateful that I am in a sunny place like California because our previous deployments took place on the East Coast and several of them were winter deployments and rainy weather is certainly depressing! Those deployments made me want to stay on the couch and watch t.v.! At least w/ the sun, I'll be out "doing" stuff. I'll definately keep my walks up!
Last edited:


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Well I lost 15 pounds since I started befor Thanksgiving and was feeling pretty good. I went to the doctor for a cholestoral follow up and their wonderful scales showed that I weighed the same as I did the last time I was there in July. Damn. So I gained 15 pounds and lost them again. I just happen to start when I was the heaviest. At least I'm on the way back down!! I'm onto something that works for me and I'm sticking to it.

I've got 22 pounds to go.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Keep it up Dave! I expect to see you in tip-top shape for the spring Paragon ride! ;)


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
squeaky said:
Well my first go around at this whole getting in shape thing didn't seem to work out for me...so I'm trying a new tactic!

This morning I started my first of (hopefully) early morning walks. I got up at 5:45 a.m. and out the door I went...got a good 20 minute walk in with some hard core up hill walking near the end to get that heart of mine pumping! I'm going to try to do this every day, wish me luck!

Sweet keep it up! Good luck!


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Alright here's my latest update:

I've still been keeping up eating really well, my biggest downfall is the few beers I like to have on the weekends, but...you can't give up everything, and I'm not trying to lose weight anyway!

I've walked 5 out of 7 days this week, the two I didn't walk were due to poor weather conditions (Icy one morning, rainy the other!).

Today I did a double loop and I feel great! I'm definitely going to keep it up!


Aug 16, 2004
squeaky said:
my biggest downfall is the few beers I like to have on the weekends

That's my biggest change in diet so far. Now that I'm in a whole new place with new people I've greatly changed my weekend routine. I can still count on one hand all the beers I've had in 2006! That's quite different from my previous habit, which consisted of probably 25-30 beers each weekend (plus all the late night chicken wings and pizza).

Getting the gym has proven to be my weakness here. Only made it 3 times in almost as many weeks. I have been running / biking everyday though, and put a good 6 hours of riding in on the KDX today (it's going to hurt tomorrow, I was pretty aggressive all day). I just can't get myself to go to the gym when it's so nice out!


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
adam728 said:
I just can't get myself to go to the gym when it's so nice out!

I hear ya! That's why I don't even have a gym membership! I used to, but when I moved I cancelled it.

Now I'm out walking and such with my dog, and I have a tae-bo ab video for when it's crummy out.

I think if next weekend is as nice as this weekend was I'm going to dust off my mountain bike...then I'll probably be able to get Rooster to go with me too!


Jul 4, 2002
Way to go Squeaky!

I was just wondering what caused your setback? Maybe we can learn something from you.
Also, good luck with your mountain bike, I think that's the closest you can get to riding your dirtbike,
I'm considering buying a MTB, I tried my wife's last week and actually caught some air on my MX track. That was fun! Now the crank makes a ticking noise though...


May 8, 2001
ive decided to put all of this exercise to work. ive signed up for a mini triathalon www.cityofdenton.com/pages/mygovplanparks3pchallenge.cfm

the course is 3.8 paddle down a river, run 2.5miles and mountain bike 12 miles. its a team event and i got an old classmate to do it with me. we will be in the coed division. us 40yr olds are going to put it on the kids. two years ago we did it and placed second in coed and would of placed inside the top 8 overall out of 52 teams and top 6 compared to the mens division.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
carlbielke said:
I was just wondering what caused your setback?

Well, I work a full time job, as most people do, but I'm also taking 3 college courses. I'm going for a Business Management degree, and two of the three classes I'm taking consume a lot of time, so the only time I have to exercise is in the morning. Sometimes I just can't get myself out of bed!!!


Jul 4, 2002
Yeah, with a schedule like that getting time to exercise can be hard.
Sometimes it's hard enough just to maintain your physique.
I stopped exercising three months ago and just took it up this week again,
boy my body is hurting!
I´ve put on a few pounds as well but it seems like I didn't lose a lot of muscle so my metabolism should be able to burn off that fat in short order. My short term goal is to be back in shape by March 1 but I'm lucky that I can exercise almost everyday now.
I run (boring) but the weather is better now (not so searing hot) so I got some riding in as well, hooray!
Anyways, sometimes you can not exercise and just maintain your shape IF you eat right, I had to go and see a nutritionist in order to learn that. That's something I really recommend, I always thought that you had to starve in order to lose weight and just thinking about it made me cranky.
Well, he basically told me to never get hungry, I used to eat two to three meals a day, and he set me up with a five meal plan, and as long as I exercised daily he put me on a high carb diet, I ate a lot of pasta and other stuff those weeks, it was so easy. Then I had some weeks with less carbs when I wasn't exercising but it wasn't hard at all, I got plenty of proteins and it's funny how you need less carbs when you're not burning a lot of them.
I'm sorry for being longwinded, in conclusion, see a nutritionist, I think you need a low-carb diet until you have more free time. Good luck, great thread.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
carlbielke said:
see a nutritionist, I think you need a low-carb diet until you have more free time. Good luck, great thread.

No, you must have misunderstood me! I'm happy with my weight, well I guess I could stand to lose a FEW pounds...but all in all I just want to get in shape. My clothes still fit and all that, I've just lost the muscle tone I used to have.

I got a pretty good workout today! we got about 7-8" of snow, so I dug my car out and cleaned all the snow off of it twice. That was good!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I'm improving on my cardio. On upper body days we do 20min of cardio. I always do the elliptical, the recumbant bikes don't get along with my knee and neither does running. I can go pretty hard (for someone with EIA) now. A lot of improvement since the beginning of January. I'm pleased with that. Still have a long way to go though. Now if I could just figure out why I'm getting dizzy while I'm doing cardio...


Feb 18, 2005
Well I guess I'll chime in to. I've been going to start since the first of the year and my brother embarrased me into starting today. I need lots of cardio and weight loss so heres what I did today.
10 mins ex. bike 10 mins nordic track 10 mins treadmill 5 mins rowing machine and 5 mins cardioworker then a full upperbody on the bowflex, all i need to do is do it again tomorrow and the day after and so on. I will report daily unless it snows. I will need support cause I'm lazy. Dave


May 8, 2001
mxgirl320 that dizzyness is not a good sign. maybe overdoing it? lots of factors involved here but for some reason you are not getting enough oxygen to your head. might want to see your doc for blood pressure base and just a general checkup before continuing.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
tx246 said:
mxgirl320 that dizzyness is not a good sign. maybe overdoing it? lots of factors involved here but for some reason you are not getting enough oxygen to your head. might want to see your doc for blood pressure base and just a general checkup before continuing.
Kind of what I'm wondering...can't be overdoing it. My head has not been rechecked since my last head injury...I've been thinking that I should give the doc a call...


Feb 18, 2005
Ok I said I would post everyday but I slacked. I did better with the workouts, did a little everyday need to stepup intensity but its damn hard with old knees.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Well I'm out...

Went to the doc he seems to think that my shoulder/neck/head pain is caused by pulling a back muscle last month (stupid ice). He said no gym for 3 weeks (my next appt) and I have to start physical therapy...ugh..should have gone last month when I was supposed to have gone...now I'm going to be behind on everything...It's not the lifting that's bothering me, it's the cardio...So I guess I'll give it 3 weeks...


May 8, 2001
maybe you can do cardio by walking hills in the neighborhood. you can work on hand/eye coordination with the old playstaion.
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