Are you a member of the Broken Collarbone Club?

Are you a member of the Broken Collarbone Club?

  • Yes - broke it while riding

    Votes: 308 36.3%
  • Yes - but not related to riding

    Votes: 65 7.7%
  • No - but broke another bone(s) while riding

    Votes: 126 14.8%
  • No - but broke another bone(s) not related to riding

    Votes: 108 12.7%
  • Never broken a bone (knock on wood!)

    Votes: 242 28.5%

  • Total voters


Mar 31, 2005
Just joined the club friday night! Although it was on my street bike, lowspeed highside. Gotta let the tires heat up a little at night before you gas it in a turn. Picked it up and rode home with right side broken and no right side foot peg, got the car and off to the ER. Ouchie :bang:


Mar 25, 2005
just broke my collarbone and two ribs saturday. Got back from the ortho today and he said no riding for 8 wks. These figure eight braces are a pain in the a$$$


Sep 24, 2003
not yet collarbone, but broke my neck

I went over the handlebars on landing 2 weeks ago, landed without a collarbone break, but fractured c-7 in my neck. Now I got a 6 week break from work and a neck brace!! :bang:

FedEx Man

Jul 26, 2005
I was off work last monday (july 18th) and we had friends outside i got my wifes mountain bike and was doing stunts using speed bumps to get me in the air. Ive been doing these stunts such as jumping abt 4 feet in the air after hitting the speed bump for years but this day was messed up. I did a couple of jumps to warm up and the hit a good jump, went 4 feet up and landed good...came around to do it again, BUT hit the speed bump at an angle and the bike was leaning over went in the air landed and bike was wobbling bad....thats all i remember. i woke up hearing the sound of rushing water (there was nothing around to make that noise) and people around me telling me im gonna be thinking "what hell is going on", then i tried to get up and shoulder area hurt so bad......discovered i broke my collarbone. Now heres what happened (the stuff i dont remember) when i landed and the bike was shaking bad i landed on the side of my head against concrete (whick knocked me out) hit my shoulder (force of the imact snapped my collarbone). after falling i sat up and my eyes rolled back. my best friend said he was standing right in front of me but i dont remember any of that. he laid me down gently and i was trying to breathe...i stopped breathing for about a minute i was white and lips blue....after 3 minutes i woke up. this scared everyone but im a fedex driver for crying out loud and already have a fractured toe, elbow, got run over by a fedex truck last year (no broken bones) and i have a bad shoulder. this accident makes me realize how quickly life can be taken....take care of yourselves but never stop what you love doing
I would also like to mentioin what a wonderful job my wife does taking care of me. ive been getting better since a week has gone by but i cant return to work until 6 weeks at the least. my wife bathes me tucks me in clothes me helps me walk feeds me...she does whatever she needs to do in order to make me comfortable...and sometimes i get to hurting so ****ing bad and i cant get comfy no matter what and so i let the tears run and when i do she does the same...she doesnt like seeingme in pain and i know she loves me. she had nightmares...replaying the accident over and over thinking i died...but give her a round of applause (cuz we folks with broken collarbones need all the help we can get, right??)
also my friends who stop by and make me laugh (my wife does that enuf) and fix me drinks and try tomake me a bit more comfy. so hats off to all....btw its gonna be a LONG time before i get on that bike again lol
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Jul 19, 2005
Well i have never broken a bone on a dirtbike before. Since ive never really rode one alot. Just starting. But anyways yea i broke 3 bones in my life. And have had surgery and broken neck percations done and so forth to.

I sprained my neck sxo bad i that it was broken. I did it when i was waking up in the RV, i hit my head as i sat up and kinked my neck so bad i was stuck in bed for a long time. Nearly 7 hours of wondering if i can get out of bed my friend called the ambulance and the got me out. Went and got checked out at the hospital, they took some x-rays and said my neck was just sparained. Therefore the gave me some morfene and i was on my way. :)

I broke my left wrist 2 times.

1st time was when i was 13 and went snowboarding for the first time. I went with one of those school ski trips for the day in junior high. Ill have to say i laned on my wrist so many times that the girls were fallowing me down the hill so they could laugh at me. Well at about 4 oclock i went down the biggest ski hill there was and went at full speed down the hill. (i didnt know how to stop u see, or carv to slow down) Anyways i got to the bottom of the hill going so fast i flew between some safety instructures and flipped the snowboard 8 times down the hill. (wrist broke) Funny thing is i never new and continued to snowboard and fall on it again and again, thinking it was sprained. AND i never went to go get it checked out for 24 hours because my parents thought i was faking it.

ANyways this is taking along time. Ok i broke it again jumping off the swing while it swung at 30 feet high. THAT HURT!! could here it pop noise

Finally i broke my ankel jumping off a big tire swing(semy tire) when the rope broke and the tire smoked my foot against the ground. Funny thing again i never went to the hospital for 2 days because my parents thought i was faking it to not go to school.

Little long sry


Jan 17, 2001
Stryke said:
I broke my left wrist 2 times.
Ya, but did you ever break your collarbone?

Hate to hear about all that other stuff though.


Damn Yankees
Aug 17, 2001
Back in 85 me and my bud were goofing off, trying some new wrestling moves. I flipped him flat on his chest and broke his collarbone. Yes, I'm a member.


Sep 10, 2005
Riding Related: Never broken anything riding... luck :P.
Non-Riding Related: Broke everyone of my fingers, some more than once. Broke almost everyone of my toes, some more than once. I broke my arm in half (between wrist and elbow)... All of that was done BMX'ing or playing baseball... And a lot of it was caused in one crash... Sometimes you just gotta pick, either hit a car doing 50, or eat pavement. :bang:


Jan 17, 2001
Optimal said:
Sometimes you just gotta pick, either hit a car doing 50, or eat pavement. :bang:

Let's see........ Bad or Bad..... Not too much to choose from. At least you're still alive.


Dec 18, 2004
I'm new to this broken bone thing... 3 breaks in 2 months, all separate incidents and I’m 42.

1st bone I ever broke, my baby toe. I stubbed it on my own shoe in the kitchen. It hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. I think I passed out from the pain.

2nd, riding my dirt bike. Ripping through a corner 3rd pinned. Both tires let go at the same time. I’m lucky I only broke my thumb. It hurt, more like burned but I was still able to ride the rest of the day.

3rd, broke my leg. Small bone (outside) just above the ankle in a 2-5 mile/hr low side tip over. I knew instantly that I broke it but I was able to pick up my bike, walk it off the track, turn off the gas and lay it and myself down to contemplate. I picked up the bike again, started it and road it to the pits. Loaded it, drove home, put the trailer in the garage, packed a care package for the hospital (sandwich, water, dirtbike mag etc) and drove to the hospital. 17hrs later I emerged with a below the knee to toe cast.
3 weeks later I decide I can't stand the cast any more & cut it off.
6 weeks later the doctor tells me that in 6 more weeks I can start riding again...

Needless to say I’m devastated.

Doc says I can start to move it and put weight on it but I can’t. My foot/ankle hurts like crazy with any weight.
I cut my cast off because I read on that the rehabilitation of the ankle is the biggest issue do to zero ankle movement for 6 weeks in a cast. I couldn’t agree more, even after 3 weeks locked in a cast and now 3 weeks of simply moving it an inch or so up and down it is still tight. It is getting better daily and I hope to be able to put weight on it soon but the swelling is painful and any weight on it feels like someone is jabbing a knife in the top of my foot.…

Any comments on this?


Jan 17, 2001
I hate being a part of this club.

Chicken Hawk

Sep 7, 2005
broken arm - top left humerous

i broke my left arm this past weekend!!! what a bummer!!! two broken ribs to go with it (i am typing with one hand right now which is fun too....NOT!!!!). once i heal i am back out there, but i just bought a fox racing chest and arm protector to prevent it from happening again.

TJ :aj:


Jan 17, 2001
Hey, Chicken Hawk, What do they do with a broken humerous? Just a sling do they get a cast on it? Is this a surgery issue?


Jul 5, 2004
Broken right hand-"friend" used it for traction in highschool f-ball

Dislocated left shoulder-flag football of all things...the most pain came from the "pre-med" goobers that thought they could "fix" me by pulling and pushing at the same time.

Broken right big toe....the one I love and am still married too made me so mad I had to punish the couch by kicking it...the couch and my wife won....I had to drive myself to the ER for being such a hot head :|

Dislocated left shoulder again...changing water pump on 3/4 chev 4x4. Wrench slipped off big nut on water pump..arm stayed in engine compartment...body fell over fender....arm not connected at shoulder any more...this was fun. :yikes:

Still no surgery yet on shoulder.....stay in the gym and work out like a mad can stay away from the knife..

Torn PCL last year....almost perfect dismount from my Kawi...except the knee that didn't work after.

Broken collar bone last weekend. Square hit bump ...on the kiddie track w/my 9 year old of all things...front tire went over...back tire "bounced" over...I go half way over the bars tsunami style...the bike completes it's rotation just after I go shoulder first into the mojave desert...followed by my own bike on top...healing at present.

Obviously we can either choose to remain humble or God brings gravity to bear....

Researching now to see if there is something we can wear/do as MX'rs to prevent collar bone injuries....I think my helmet edge is what might have done in my collar bone...wasn't wearing my chest protector..too hot and didn't need it for roost that day....I'll wear it all the time now.


Feb 15, 2005
not a broken clavicle but.....totaly dislocated the clavicle from the scapula by tearing the ac lig's actually a grade 3 dislocation. The only thing holding the bone in place is the subdeltoid fascia. All this from a very low speed get off-stick like a lawn dart kinda wreck! there are times you would rather break the bone!


Oct 12, 2005
Middle toe

I met a kid this weekend who was riding near the power towers at Carnegie and pulled the skin and meat off of his middle toe when he met up with one of the bolts which hold the tower down. They had to amputate his toe. Anything I have done is wuss campared to that.


Apr 4, 2005
b1dude said:
Still no surgery yet on shoulder.....stay in the gym and work out like a mad can stay away from the knife..

Researching now to see if there is something we can wear/do as MX'rs to prevent collar bone injuries....I think my helmet edge is what might have done in my collar bone...wasn't wearing my chest protector..too hot and didn't need it for roost that day....I'll wear it all the time now.

Be careful with that shoulder and be sure to do a lot of strengthening excercises for the muscles and ligaments.

I wrestled through junior high and high school very competitively and had a progressive shoulder injury much like yours that was career ending. What happened with mine is I stretched the ligaments out so badly that my shoulder drooped a good inch and a half lower than the other, to the point that it was almost dislocated all the time. The orthopedic doc would send me to do strengthening excercises, it'd tighten back up, he'd clear me to wrestle, then I'd go back out and screw it up again. Finally I had to call it quits. At that point, I had torn it up so badly that gravity alone made it 10x worse the 6 months after I stopped wrestling. I ended up having to have my shoulder reconstructed by stitching ligaments together and putting my cartiledge capsule back where it belonged. The fun part was after the surgery, my shoulder was immobilized for 6 weeks, and was then too tight, so months of physical therapy was needed to stretch it back out to normal.

I consider it well worth it now. No more bones clacking together, no more random arm numbness, and no more searing pain doing the most simple tasks (i.e- reaching out to open a door). The only after effect I have is what I suspect is the beginning of arthritis. I get a dull ache every time it rains. :bang:

In regards to something to protect your collarbone from your helmet, look into an EVS race collar, or something of a similar brand. I picked one up about 3 weeks ago, I believe the RC2 model. Whichever one it is, it's the slimmer model. I choose to not zip-tie it to my chest protector for the reason of added collarbone protection. It was weird wearing the first time I went riding, but I don't even notice it now. No reduction of head movement while riding, I don't even notice it's there now. I know it won't guarentee I won't sustain a collarbone/neck injury, but I'll take all the added protection I can get.


Oct 7, 2005
Broke my right collar bone and my right arm 200 miles from home on hour 9 of a long backwoods treck.Rode for 3 hours in the pitch black to get out.Not fun..especially on a 300lb Honda 600..No surgery or casts...

I have had 11 other broken bones,not riding related.(sports and fighting)



Oct 7, 2005
A small foot note to my above post...

I was wearing a chest protector at the time.Don"t really want to know what would have happened with out it...It ripped the netting out and broke the gaurd in two..


Sep 16, 2005
i_955 said:
3rd, broke my leg. Small bone (outside) just above the ankle in a 2-5 mile/hr low side tip over. I knew instantly that I broke it but I was able to pick up my bike, walk it off the track, turn off the gas and lay it and myself down to contemplate. I picked up the bike again, started it and road it to the pits. Loaded it, drove home, put the trailer in the garage, packed a care package for the hospital (sandwich, water, dirtbike mag etc) and drove to the hospital. 17hrs later I emerged with a below the knee to toe cast.
3 weeks later I decide I can't stand the cast any more & cut it off.
6 weeks later the doctor tells me that in 6 more weeks I can start riding again...

Needless to say I’m devastated.

Doc says I can start to move it and put weight on it but I can’t. My foot/ankle hurts like crazy with any weight.
I cut my cast off because I read on that the rehabilitation of the ankle is the biggest issue do to zero ankle movement for 6 weeks in a cast. I couldn’t agree more, even after 3 weeks locked in a cast and now 3 weeks of simply moving it an inch or so up and down it is still tight. It is getting better daily and I hope to be able to put weight on it soon but the swelling is painful and any weight on it feels like someone is jabbing a knife in the top of my foot.…

Any comments on this?

ankle is a tough one to get working again. myy physical therapy involved a large rubbe band, holding my foot with it and applying pressre with my hands whhile trying to pull my foot with the ankle muscles. it will get better. been 5 years and aside from the scars, knot, and a bit of pain every now and then it's alright.

collarbone? yep. at military school. it snowed and we were playing like fools. i got tossed by the CO and landed on my left shoulder with a lound snap and a loud profanity. interesting few months after that, it works fine now, except an audible pop at some points of shoulder travel.
Oct 17, 2005
Im lucky!

I have never broken a bone, although once when I was Chopping wood (i had a woodsplitter not an axe) and i missed the log and if flew at full strength straight into my left foot, pain pain pain i had a bruise there for 6 months, and beleive it or not the bruise was all i got, i didnt even get a hairline fracture, and thank god it was not an axe or i'd have half a foot :ohmy:


Nov 13, 2005
Thats gonna leave a mark..........

I broke my collar bone, arm and my nose just standing on a sidewalk. A car accident sent a ford falcon heading my way at 50 mph ( according to the skid marks )which clipped me on the right thigh and sent me over the top of it. The best I can do to tell people how it felt is like this, shake your head from side to side really fast, then slam your face on the pavement. :yikes:


Apr 6, 2002
didnt break my collorbone, but doc said I should have, I broke my sternum instead. Had I flown another 10ft I would have crested the hill and the impact wouldnt have been so bad.

I have never broken any bones previously except my nose, and all I can say about the broken sternum, tear prompting sneazes.

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