
Nov 23, 2008
Rivard809 said:
Im a little worried that Mark knows who I Carly and Miley Cirus are....

The I Carly girl is almost 18... and Miley Cyrus is 18, so it's It's all good Mark, just don't let your wife find out :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Rivard809 said:
Im a little worried that Mark knows who I Carly and Miley Cirus are....

As the father of a 15 yr old daughter, I know way more than I care to admit about all things Ke$ha and Lady Gaga. My 7 year old watches I've seen an episode of I Carly or two.


Oct 2, 2005
09oneL said:
I think she would be much, much more comfortable on my handlebars. No room on yours with the clown horn, mirror, computer, steering damper, start button, and bark busters (fag flags).
Ya but she would want to go fast, so therefor your not even close to being in the mix.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
That is so true, I am terribly slow. Plus if she was on your bike she could primp up with your vanity mirror, you of course would have to explain the rest of the crap.

Fish on


Oct 2, 2005
Ya some folks like to buy aftermarket parts and others prefer to drink their vanity.... ;)


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Is that what you call that green stuff you drink?

No offence on your eating habits - just stirring

If it taste good - spit it out, it's probably not good for you.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
That is so true, I am terribly slow.

Well, I'm not SO sure about that.....but you sure will be slow when you buy an Obama putt-putt electric car, so you can save the planet from emissions.....that aren't hurting the planet in the first place.

I wonder how warm they get in the winter? :think:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Yam7M said:
Well, I'm not SO sure about that.....but you sure will be slow when you buy an Obama putt-putt electric car, so you can save the planet from emissions.....that aren't hurting the planet in the first place.

I wonder how warm they get in the winter? :think:

I will not be going electric any time soon but, what do we expect the working class folks to do when gas is jacked up to 5/gallon by the corporations that actually do run our country/world. I'll bet we are all on electric dirt bikes in 10 years - that will be weird.

With global warming their won't be a winter - kidding here, I am not on that waggon.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
I will not be going electric any time soon but, what do we expect the working class folks to do when gas is jacked up to 5/gallon by the corporations that actually do run our country/world.


Unfortunately, it's not the "corporations" that want gas at $5.00 plus per gallon. The Golden one is on tape saying that he would welcome it...along with the other waco's on the left. They WANT gas to go there. In their narrow minds, it will force people to become more dependant on public transportation (govt). This will spell doom for many of the terrible corporations (like Wallymart, which the libs hate) who depend on people to drive their fosil-fuel guzzling tin cans to buy their products. So, it doesn't make sense for the big corporations to want the gas to go up. Oil companies either. Fewer people driving means fewer gallons sold. The only user group that wants gas to go up to Euro prices are like minded libs. Growing government dependance is their only goal.

The idea of an electric dirt bike makes me sick.... :|


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Wallmart is an great place to buy crappy foreign products. Especially for the folks who lost their jobs due to out sourcing. The guy who used to work at the vacuum cleaner factory got a great deal on a vacuum cleaner. He got the vacuum and a bunch of maccaroni and cheese and still had some change left over from his unemployment check. That is certainly sustainable. :coocoo:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Ah yes, the unemployment check. I rec'd around 80 applications last summer for a job posting. Can't tell you how many said that they didn't want to come in before their unemployment ran out. This is for a job with an annual salary of $40K plus a gas card and company truck (to start). I had several no shows for interviews also. I actually found it hard to hire someone. Amazing. People become dependant on handouts when they seem to have no end.

Doesn't Walmart sell Bissel vacuum cleaners? They're made over here in Walker. Good company, nice folks. Sponsor bicycle racers. But Wally-mart has nothing to do with the price of gas. Unless you wear hemp sandles and have a hope-and-change sticker on your VW bus. Then they're directly related.

New Report out: The Volt and Leaf shouldn't be driven when it's really cold out. The batteries run down too quickly to make them worth using for any type of decent commute. Also, the battery does not function properly from a chemical stand point when temperatures drop. To save enough energy to get home, don't run the radio (you can listen to NPR when you get home) and keep the heat off (dress warm).


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Yam7M said:
Ah yes, the unemployment check. I rec'd around 80 applications last summer for a job posting. Can't tell you how many said that they didn't want to come in before their unemployment ran out. This is for a job with an annual salary of $40K plus a gas card and company truck (to start). I had several no shows for interviews also. I actually found it hard to hire someone. Amazing. People become dependant on handouts when they seem to have no end.

Doesn't Walmart sell Bissel vacuum cleaners? They're made over here in Walker. Good company, nice folks. Sponsor bicycle racers. But Wally-mart has nothing to do with the price of gas. Unless you wear hemp sandles and have a hope-and-change sticker on your VW bus. Then they're directly related.


Perhaps if we had not out sourced in the first place we would not have allowed folks to become dependant on handouts.

I have not had the hiring issue anywhere near as bad as you and some of our positions are not as attractive as yours.

I do agree that it is apparent that some folks do not want to work in the classic American way and it upsets me too.

My point was not actually about what brand of vacuum cleaners are sold at Wall Mart or Wall Mart having anything to do with gas cost.

My point is more about how the working class have had a really bad deal over the last 20 years (wages are flat and cost are much higher while CEO's are rolling in cash) and allot of that is brought on by your heros on the far right side. It is an economic thing, nothing to do with hemp sandals. I listened to Mark Lavin the other night and that guy really needs to have a few bong hits and listen to the Some Girls album. LOL

Why I am getting into this with you - we have been here before.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
Why I am getting into this with you - we have been here before.


Companies outsource when the American worker and their subsequent union demands wages that are unrealistic to maintain given the product for sale. Further, the company has to outsource when they are taxed to the point of losing money. Their investors do not want to invest in a company that can't make a profit. Shame on them.

It amazes me that the govt can't learn from the auto industries mistakes. You can't give previous employees...regardless if they were a CEO or a lineworker (or, comparitively, a community organizer or a Senator) benefits and a pension for life. We now have people who retired at 55, who are now in the 70's or 80's, sucking huge amounts of money out of their previous employers. This results in the companies (or the govt) paying for people who do not produce for the company anymore. Once the number of retirees exceeds the amount of emloyees that are actually working, you have a serious problem. I'm an idiot, and yet I can see this as plain as day. And yet, our Govt is doing it over and over and over again. This is not sustainable. Nor are unions that demand huge pensions and benefits for life. So, when you're talking about govt...they just make/take more taxes. When you're talking about a company, they are forced to outsource because they can't continue down the road that they are being forced down. It's a vicious cycle, and a stupid, nearsighted one at that.

The "higher-ups" at companies will always be referred to as "fat cat CEO's" by the workers at the bottom. I bet you don't make the same wages as the people that work for you, right Fred??


I've got to go to spin class now.... Some guy named Jordan is going to kick my butt this spring, so I need to continue ramping up the training. ;)


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Unions are all but dead (the vacuum cleaner factory was non union). It is hard for US companys to compete with 3rd world wages regardless of other circumstances (of witch I do not disagree with you on). The vacuum company is only an example - it's not real.

20 years ago the average CEO made about 10 times more than the hourly worker. Now it is more like 100 times (not me).

20 years ago the combined richest rich had about 4 billion bucks. Now they have about 40 billion. The hourly worker wage is the same.

I hope all of the Enduro guys know that I was/am only stirring pots for entertainment.

For a thread that I thought would go nowhere - cabin fever for sure :cool:

Let's stop with the politics - I seem to lose every time here

I am thinking of going to Indianapolis for SX - anyone else going? - pretty sweet this year


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
I haven't gone to Indy for the sx in years. Pretty cool town (I attended college there a life time ago). I know of some fun watering holes, if you're not just going there and back. If the action keeps up between Stewart and Villopoto, it looks to be a great race. Wonder how the East lites battle will shape up?

Anyone hear about a storm coming?? :laugh:


Nov 23, 2008
Yam7M said:
I haven't gone to Indy for the sx in years. Pretty cool town (I attended college there a life time ago). I know of some fun watering holes, if you're not just going there and back. If the action keeps up between Stewart and Villopoto, it looks to be a great race. Wonder how the East lites battle will shape up?

Anyone hear about a storm coming?? :laugh:

MAJOR winter storm!

Blizzard warning here in Bay City... Hopefully I can get my truck out of my driveway tomorrow


Sep 4, 2006
I went to indy 2 years ago. Really nice layout. The fiance bought me tickets to the vegas finale this year for my birthday :cool: . I cant wait till I get to watch all the racing.


Nov 23, 2008
Yam7M said:
I haven't gone to Indy for the sx in years. Pretty cool town (I attended college there a life time ago). I know of some fun watering holes, if you're not just going there and back. If the action keeps up between Stewart and Villopoto, it looks to be a great race. Wonder how the East lites battle will shape up?

Anyone hear about a storm coming?? :laugh:

There will be no east coast battle... Dean Wilson is going to clean house...


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Jordan414 said:
MAJOR winter storm!

Blizzard warning here in Bay City... Hopefully I can get my truck out of my driveway tomorrow

The way these meteorologists have been going all "chicken little" over this forecast, it darn well better happen. :blah:

@Shaggy: good for you on Vegas. :cool: I got married there. Honest story: we stood in line to get a marriage license with a circus midget marrying an underage young lady front of us, and a "showgirl/stripper" marrying a guy who looked to be in his 70's behind us. Only in Vegas......


Sep 4, 2006
Yam7M said:
The way these meteorologists have been going all "chicken little" over this forecast, it darn well better happen. :blah:

@Shaggy: good for you on Vegas. :cool: I got married there. Honest story: we stood in line to get a marriage license with a circus midget marrying an underage young lady front of us, and a "showgirl/stripper" marrying a guy who looked to be in his 70's behind us. Only in Vegas......
LMFAO i about $hit myself laughing on that one mark. Don't think im gonna be gettin married while im in vegas but might make some dumb decisions while im there. Otherwise it wouldnt be vegas


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
I made it in :nod:

If I can make it in driving a full size 2WD ford van. You can too

Get to work
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