
Apr 28, 2007
db_f.. Hey... what's up guy? I bet you got sick. Our family was wiped out by it a week and two ago.... Massive headache, totally tired.... Did I mention totally tired? and hurt all over. Kind of sneaks up on you... and then BAM!!!

Your fans are waiting... but... uh, if you got it.. It is anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days until you are going to have any energy to even move out of a chair. Get well.


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
I dont think he is sick considering he rode 7 hours with me yesterday. But maybe it just came on today.


Apr 28, 2007
I'm not sure. He said he was super tired... But, if he road 7 hours, that might do it too!

When my kids got it the first words I heard were: "I'm so tired..." Followed by "My head hurts".... Followed by: "I'm so tired..." Followed by: "I'm sore everywhere"... Followed by: "I'm so tired"....

After that I didn't see much of either of them for a couple days. Seemed to come back once or twice before it was gone for good.

I was expecting something to proof today. :(


Apr 28, 2007
dirtbike_freak said:
I'll get it to you. I'm sore all over but not tired. Rode a little to much yesterday.
You spelled "rode", "road". Maybe I should reconsider having you proof read ;) JK

Too funny. You definitely should!!! :) :laugh:

Glad you are okay.

scooter1130 said:

and YOU can knock that off right now! ;) jk.
Dec 10, 2006
Here it is!
Chapter 16
Mark dialed Bus Smiths number...

“Bud Smith.”
“Hi Mr.Smith. This is Mark Peterson.”
“How’re ya doing?”
“Good,” Mark said. “I wanted to ask you something. If I accepted your offer right now, what would happen?”
“Well we would get you hooked up with a mechanic first,” Bud said.
“And then?”
“We would have Suzuki get you some bikes and then modify them.”
“How many?”
“Three 85’s and one 112cc.” Bud said. “Then after this weekend, we would have you come up to my house in Michigan for some training.”
“Training?” Mark asked.
“Well it’s actually for the riders on Factory Suzuki that are training for Loretta Lynn’s, but you could come to. You ride at my track, and we have the team trainer come and work with all of you.”
“That sounds fun,” Mark said.
“It is. And you get to meet all the other riders on the team,” Bud said.
“I accept the spot on the team, after the race this weekend!” Mark said.

Mark walked into his hotel room on Friday night before the race. He did not know how to tell anyone that he was switching to Suzuki. He decided he would go see Bobby. He walked over to Bobby’s and Stephanie’s room. He walked in. Bobby was not in the room, but Stephanie
was. He decided it was time to make up with her.

“Hey,” He said as he walked in.
“Hi,” she said, stone faced. She had an art pad with paper in her hand.
“What are you drawing?” Mark asked. His eyes widened as he looked at what she was drawing. Steph had a piece of paper that she was drawing on, and she had a picture of a YZ450F. She was redesigning the graphics on it and making it look way better.
“That’s really cool,” Mark said.
“Thanks,” she said.
“Listen,” said Mark. “I’m sorry about whatever I’ve done to Blake Gopy and all that, and I think it would be better if we both got along instead of fighting about stupid stuff.”
“Me too,” Steph said. Just then Payton came into the hotel room.
“Hey,” she said. “Do you want to go get some dinner Stephanie?”
“Sure,” she said.
“Can me and Bobby come too?” Mark asked, wanting to be able to spend as
much time with Payton as he could.
“Yeah. Ok,” Stephanie said.

The hotel they were staying at wasn’t exactly in Colorado Springs. It was about 15 miles outside of it. They couldn’t get a hotel room anywhere close to the track so they settled for a hotel in a small town outside of Colorado Springs. The town they were staying in had a population of about 800. Even though the population was 800, there were about 3,500 people in the town right now because they were having a rodeo on Sunday. Tradition had it that the rodeo fans had parties in town the night before and lots of people got drunk.

They found Bobby out in the trailer working on his bike. They felt kinda weird walking down the street in their motocross t-shirts when everyone else was wearing cowboy hats and big belt buckles. Mark removed his TPA racing hat to try to fit in a little more. There were people everywhere. There were 5 bars in the town which surprised Mark since the population was so small. One of the bars set up a DJ outside and a dance floor. The DJ was playing country music.

"Oh let’s get away from here. I hate country," Payton said.

Mark had never minded country but it was still not his favorite so he walked with them farther down the street. Mark stopped at a BBQ ribs place and got a plate and loaded them with BBQ sauce. Bobby, Steph, and Payton all wanted hamburgers. They waited while Mark got his ribs. After he had finished, everyone kept looking at him and laughing. Mark didn't know why until he caught his reflection in a car window. He had BBQ sauce all over his face. Stephanie and Payton had gone into a fit of giggles. Mark grabbed some napkins and wiped off everything. Once Bobby, Payton and Steph had gotten stuff to eat they walked around town. It wasn't a very long walk.

As they passed by the DJ booth and dance floor Payton said, "Oh I love this song! Let’s dance, Mark."
"I thought you didn't like country," Mark said.
"I like this song," she said.
"I don’t know how to dance," said Mark.
"That's okay," Payton said while she dragged him onto the dance floor. She grabbed his hands and started pulling him around the dance floor. By the time the song was over Bobby was bent over laughing his head off.
"Shut up," Mark said. He had quite enjoyed dancing with Payton but he didn't want Bobby laughing at him. "Let’s head back to the hotel."

**Mark sat at the starting gate of 85A Heat 1 with his mind not on the race. He was too busy thinking of what it would be like when he was on a Suzuki sitting at the starting gate. As Mark came around the loamy first turn his front wheel washed out and he fell. Mark got up and ran to
his bike and got going again. The track had a lot of straightaways and was kind of muddy.
As the next couple of laps came, Mark passed until he was in 3rd. There was a person in front of Mark named Kenny Fisher. Mark thought the name sounded vaguely familiar. As he passed him he remembered who he was. Kenny went to Mark’s school. Mark hadn't been in contact with anyone from home in Davis. Mark finished in 2nd with Bobby in front of him. He hadn't moved in on him because he only cared about getting into the main.

The Supermini qualifier was right after the 85 qualifier. Off the finish line of the 85 he went straight to the gates where Lester was waiting with his 150. He got second again to Mike Steward in the qualifier. It was a boring race. Mike had gotten the holeshot and Mark was in second. It stayed that way for the whole race.

After the Supermini qualifier Mark caught up with Kenny, the boy from his school.
"Hey," Mark said.
"Oh. It's you," Kenny said coldly.
"What’s wrong?" Mark asked. He had always gotten along fairly well with Kenny.
"You betrayed everyone back in Davis!" Kenny accused.
"What?" Mark said, taken aback.
"You betrayed us!" Kenny said angrily. "You're making us all look bad, coming out and winning nationals, on your nice factory team."
"How am I making you look bad?" Mark asked.
"You just are!" Kenny yelled. "And I'll tell you what, I'm gonna beat you this afternoon and it'll bring you back to your senses. You're not better than any of us back in Davis!" and he stormed away.

Mark knew what this was about. Kenny was jealous that Mark was on a factory team and winning races. He thought that it was making everyone back in Davis look slow. Mark knew he could beat him in the main. What worried him most was what the rest of the people in Davis thought of him now.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I warned you olderndirtmom that everybody would be looking for your mistakes :nener: it can be a thankless job, but you are doing great...but its still fun to find your mistakes :laugh:


Apr 28, 2007
I noticed it right after it posted, lol. :)

I'll have to take out my "Elements of Style" if you guys get any better at this. ;)

Kyle is doing better at proofing as he writes. I'm afraid he'll cut me out of the loop if he gets much better. I have to invent stuff now, just so it looks like I'm helping out. :nod:


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
dirtbike_freak said:
lol, I posted that first line after she proofed it, so It's my fault not hers.
Don't tell us that, it takes the fun out of it :think:


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
He lives in Clarkston
May 10, 2007
olderndirtmom said:
I noticed it right after it posted, lol. :)

I'll have to take out my "Elements of Style" if you guys get any better at this. ;)

Kyle is doing better at proofing as he writes. I'm afraid he'll cut me out of the loop if he gets much better. I have to invent stuff now, just so it looks like I'm helping out. :nod:

shhhhhh dont tell him that


Jul 3, 2007

im only on chapter 13 but catching up quick! i can't believe this story has been going on since DECEMBER!!! gives me somethin to look forward too!


I got fat bars!
Dec 21, 2006
This has been going on since april.
Dec 10, 2006
kx125412 said:
whens the next one gonna be out
Maybe monday, i haven't even started writing yet. One day I need to sit down for 4 or 5 hours and write like 4 chapters so I wont have to keep writing them. I think there will be like 29 chapters.
I think I will right a sequal to. But it would take place a couple of years after when this story is taking place.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Dont rush yurself and get burned out from writing, take your time, and write and post it when you're ready.......just hurry up :rotfl:
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