
Aug 25, 2000
Alright guys,

I went out and bought one of those electronic scales that measures weight and % Body Fat. When i first used it it incidated that i had 32% BF. I was thinking of taking it back after a disrespectful outburst like that. :ugg:

Now that i have tuned in the little beast it seems to be telling me that my %BF is somewhere between 23 & 25%.

I am going to get up 1 hour early every morning so that i can get in a little work out before work. I will let you know if I actually carry out this plan or if the sleep demons that dwell within my body win this war.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Let's see KelvinKDX; let me choose. . . Get up at five instead of sleep till six. . . . . hmmmmm. . . . .

Milquetoast: It ain't workin.

I'm going out to get a big-ole cheeseburger!!!!

Just kidding!!!

I will say this; and this is the truth; I am going riding tomorrow; so I WILL eat a good breakfast in the morning.

That's backwards. I want to go riding so that I can justify eating something? What kind of pshyco stuff is this?

matt ruiz

Jan 10, 2002
Workout in the morning

I commute about 1.5 hours to get to work. I plan on getting up extra early and beating traffic and get my workouts before I start work. this way I can devote my time and energy to my workouts instead of going to work and then telling my self I'm to pooped to workout.Well atleast this is what I keep telling myelf. Well good luck every body. I know together we can come up wiyh some good ideas. Don't forget we are a speacial breed. I mean we get up early and drive far away to go get muddy,wet,beat up,and challenged for the fun of it.the better shape we get in the funner our sport gets.............
Now lets go get some Ice Cream. LOL. :)

insane JD

Sep 15, 2001
Monday diet and exercise schedule:
Wake up 8:00 AM
Shower 8:15 AM
Breakfast 8:30 AM( tigers milk bar and grapefruit)
Hit the gym 9:00 AM
Cardio 9:05 AM
rest 10:05 AM
weights 10:15 AM to 10:55 AM
Lite lunch 11:30 AM ( turkey sandwich)
snack 1:30 PM ( 1/3 of a tigers milk bar)
snack 3:30 PM ( 1/3 of a tigers milk bar)
dinner 5:30 PM ( garden burger grilled on the George foreman and a salad)

A fitness guy told me to eat small snacks during the day to keep my metabolism up.
I'll let you guy's know if I follow through with this schedule,


Aug 25, 2000
wfo74 - I am going to at least attempt the morning thing. I usually get up at 5:45am. So if i get up at 5 that gives me 45 minutes that i would have otherwise wasted sleeping.

I have been doing a lot of traveling lately (again :( ) wich usually means a 6:30am flight. You do the math. The only good thing is that i live only 15 minutes from the airport.

This will also allow me to eat breakfast. I have made one change lately and that is my wife is making me lunch to take to work on the days when i am in town. I usually eat half of it before lunch time, but i think that that is good. Her motivations are that she wants to get a GG Pampera and i give her $5 towards it each time that she makes me lunch. :D

Milquetoast - You may be hopeless.

Oh yeah - did i mention that I am going to start this excersise program after i finish that last pack of cigarettes that i have hidden in my toolbox in the garage. Think i will go and work on that now. :debil: :confused:


Aug 26, 2000
I just got down to my targeted weight of 225 today after 13 days on the low carb diet (lost 13 lbs). Now, what I really need to do is tone up my muscles. I've been just working the diet/weight issue so now it's time to address the fitness part and getting the muscles back into shape. As I ponder that it's off to make breakfast (ham steak and eggs), gotta love the Atkins diet.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Tree; you should be able to click off four miles in 24 minutes, bench press 350#, and backflip that KX500, with about a week of training.
Anyone who can lose 13# in 13 days must have a hole in his DNA or something.
You win the contest.


Jul 6, 2000
My results so far

As of Jan 1, 2002: 50years old 5'11" 230lbs dont know my body fat% but it ain't good. Won the 2001 pro-motion hare scramble championship 45+c class, loved beating ( 7 wins ) the skinny guys on my 99 KTM 200exc. Had to p*** them off being beat by the old guy with the beer gut hanging over my back supporter. But I digress, This year is the year that I'm getting serious about my health. I suggest everbody log on to and take the long test(approx. 30min), it really humbled me. Based on your diet and other lifestyle factors it will tell you your real age as opposed to your cronological age. Mine: 62 yrs old!!! A real wake up call. So since The 2nd I have been on my Nordic Track 35mins per day and eating a calorie poor , nutrient rich diet. I really like the food so its no great hardship for me. Lost 8 lbs the 1st week! I only weight myself on mondays, so I'll get back with you tomorrow with any new results. I do feel much more perky and have noticed a reduction of my belly and my pants are getting loose. I've got to tell you, I'm excited! I went riding today with a group that is usualy quite a bit faster than me and I kept up! I even led the B guys for about 1/2 a lap! The A guys were quickly out of sight as usual. Several of the guys were amazed at my sudden turn of speed, and it made my day to hear it. My goal: 180lbs, and 45 min a day on the Nordic Track. I firmly belive that aerobic fitness is the key to being fast on a bike, not big muscles. Anyway, log on to realage and check it out, you may be able to shave a few years off your real age. P.S. Ignore the suggestion to quit riding motorcycles.:scream:


Jul 6, 2000
weight update

weighed in this morning, 4 more pounds, 38 to go. My 38's (pant size) are feeling a tad loose! I've got a closet full of 36's I have'nt been able to get into for 4 years, maybe three more weeks and I'll fit!:)


Feb 20, 2001
3 yrs ago around 245, smoked 2.5 packs of cigaretts. 1 yr ago weighed 230, quit smoking. Today 194, smoke free for a year, been doing cardio for over a year. Going to the gym every other day( working on the dead lift and squat for picking up the bike). I do 10 min lite cardio to get everything warmed up and the blood flowing, hit the weights(differant body part every time) then 30 min of hard cardio. Heart beat set at 135 raise it to 153 and hold it for awhile. Then cool down and do some streatching. I know with the little cardio I did last year my riding endurance improved( still ride like crap just do it longer).Oh yea pants size from 42 to 36(need a belt). God I feel great.

matt ruiz

Jan 10, 2002
Hunger pains almost gone

It has been three whole days and I lost 1 lb already. The gym is ideal at 5:00
am. I am doing high reps and low weight. Mon&thurs Chest, triceps,shoulder,20 min cardio. Tues&Fri legs,back,biceps,20 min cardio. Wed 30 min cardio only.:p


Aug 2, 2001
I have a great pamphlet it is called the metabolism system.

It has really helped me and it does not tell you to do anything drastic like eat all protein or starve yourself. I learned a lot about my body from reading it. i will be happy to mail copies to any and all who want one. Just email me your address to




Dec 12, 2000
What are "good" riding weights? I was reading some rider profiles of supercross riders and the range was from 135-195. Albertyne is 5'11, 195.

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
Down 6 lbs. , not too bad yet. smaller portions. But, sometimes I do feel like I could eat a sow and 11 pigs, maybe run the boar down and take a bite out of his butt.:eek:


Jun 14, 2000
I'm in BAD shape

Maybe this is the place to start.
I find I tire easily when riding MX but can do trails longer. Just don't have the stamina.
Carrying WAY too much weight around.
I'm getting winded after running up 3 flights of stairs. This desk job is killing me. I'm up at 4:30am and don't get home till after 6pm. With kids and other house work there just isn't much time left in the day. Guess I better start making time.

Waist size- 42 :eek:
Body Fat-way tooo much (don't have it measured yet)

Has anyone heard of the Body Solutions Evening Weight Loss Formula?

If so, does it work and how safe is it.

Well.... I'll see if I can make some time and report back. I would really like to be able to ride a 2-hour hare scramble this year.

Good Luck to all!


Sep 14, 2001
Well, the goals have been anyone closer?
I started out on January 1st at 230, body fat unknown, 6 foot tall. I don't have a "keg" but I dno need to slim down. Goal is 215 with a reasonable body fat %. I am at 223 now, Training with stationary bike, stairstepper, gravity glider and riding the real bicycle. Doing this 2 nights a week at 2 hours. Trying to keep the heart rate up the entire cycle. I am 35 years old and an A Harescramble, enduro rider with some vet motocross thrown in for luck.
Has anyone given up yet? I was pale as a ghost and breathing hard but already noticing improvement in 3 weeks. I am training with another seasoned rider who is helping the motivation stay alive!

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
222 this morning; down 5#. I hate ricecakes!! I know that I am needing to do the exersize thing.
Haven't given up yet, but oh-so-close a couple of times.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by wfo74
I hate ricecakes.

Good because you shouldn't be eating them on a diet. The glycemic index of rice cakes is usually listed above 100 which is higher than the reference liquid glucose used in the index testing. For many people high glycemic index foods can cause big insulin swings in the body which tends to compromise the bodies ability to use stored fat. On calorie restricted diets high insulin levels makes it's easy to get into a cycle where you lose significant amounts of lean mass rather than bodyfat. It's easy to lose lean mass but slow and difficult to get it back especially as we get older.

Here's a good explanation of insulin's role in all this by Dr. Ann de Wees Allen, N.D.
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