Weight Loss Contest Anyone?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
(XRpredator reads Rich's post and watches it go right over his head)
WHOOOOOOSH! :confused:

Aren't there lots of carbs in 'em too, which are easily turned into stored fat?

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
10 grams of carbohydrate; 3% of RDA. No fat, no protein, 50 calories each. Is 10 grams a lot? I eat five or six a day; instead of that "sow and 11 pigs".
Rich; is that glycemic index measured using the research method or the motor method?
I give up! I'm going to Waffle House!! All-star breakfast served any time. Sausage, eggs, toast, a waffle with gobs of butter and plenty of syrup. All for $4.99. . . I think I will get two of them!!
And I miss my spell checker!!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Ok in simpler terms. Carbs (like rice cakes) cause an increase in insulin to help process the carbs and maintain blood sugar levels. Foods that have high glycemic idex numbers tend to cause a larger/faster insulin reaction which leads to various problems especially constant hunger from big blood sugar swings. High insulin levels can (in many adults) derail the most well intentioned, strictly followed diet.In short the better you understand the reaction a specific food causes in your body the better your chance of dieting successfully (ie losing fat not lean mass) and feeling good while you do it.

Keep in mind insulin reactions in people are like jetting requirements they vary by model (people) and the fuel (food) you use so paying attention to how you feel and what happens when you eat certain foods can be really helpful on this journey.

... OK, nephron you can stop laughing over there in the corner of the internet :eek:

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
BUUURRRRPPPP !!!! :eek: Boy was that good!! And stopped by Baskin-Robbins on the way home!
I'm just gonna get a bigger bike!
And it's all Rich's fault!!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by wfo74
! And stopped by Baskin-Robbins on the way home!

Calorie for calorie you are better off eating the ice cream than the rice cakes :D

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Rich; just what the heck are you doing in this forum anyhoo? Is no place safe??

Calorie for calorie; there ain't much ice cream in a rice cake!

One scoop of chocolate almond and one scoop of chocolate chip in a cup!! Two hundred and thirty seven rice cakes!!

Just kidding around guys, I did not fall off the wagon. I went for a three-mile walk this evening. I will start running a little of it soon!!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by wfo74
Rich; just what the heck are you doing in this forum anyhoo? Is no place safe??

I've spent at least as much time tuning human engines as I have tuning the internal combustion style. Ya gotta do something during these long winters and playing lab rat in the gym beats the hell out of watching TV :D


Jul 6, 2000
weekly results

As of 1/21/02 now at 214lbs, 4 more since last monday. Up to 48mins per day on my Nordic Trac, according to the meter, am burning approx 600 cals per session. Only missed 1 day since the 2nd, but I did put 2 tires on the 200exc that day and the way I change tires definetly works up a good sweat. My goal is 180lbs so another 34 to go. I am having no trouble staying with the realage diet(low-cal, high nutrition) so far, I'm planning on making this a lifestyle change so I hope I can do it. Planning on adding some push-ups and some ab work real soon. Hows everybody else coming?


Jan 1, 2002
Help!!! I've lost 17 lbs. since 10-22-01 but since I joined this I've only lost
2lbs. is there a point where it gets harder to lose the weight? I would like to drop another 15-20 lbs. any help would be greatly appreciated.


May 3, 2001
sparky,I know nothing about weight loss but what you have hit is called a platue(sp?) that is a time after you have lost weight that it becomes harder to loose weight because your body is used to the amount of calories and has gotten used to it all you have to do to get past this is eat less "unhealthy"calories and increase your workout.

insane JD

Sep 15, 2001
I went on the "nutri system" "7day trial diet" yesterday the 21st,
and just ate a dehydrated hamburger (that they sent me in a box :scream:)
for dinner:( .
I'll let you know how it works,

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Hey; someone clue me in on diet drinks. What are the good or bad points. I seem to be addicted to the caffiene in my diet Coke.
I am sure they will cause the glycemic index to register on the Rorichter scale or something!
XRP; I want to move to Idaho after reading my AMA magazine! Is Billy Uhl still in those mountains? Ummm. . . . you are in Idaho eh?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by wfo74
. . . XRP; I want to move to Idaho after reading my AMA magazine! Is Billy Uhl still in those mountains? Ummm. . . . you are in Idaho eh?
Yup, I'm in Idaho, but I don't know any Billy Uhl. :think Looks like I'm gonna have to get that mag from Lou.


Nov 3, 2001
A couple of years ago I topped 200 for the first time in my life. I had trouble fitting into my uniform and had to change. I got a copy of the "Scarsdale"? diet or something of the sort. It's horrid, self mutilation, vomit starts looking good, wish-it-on-your-worst-enemy type stuff but I lost about 18 lbs in just under 4 weeks so the daily sacrifices were well worth it. It gives you very limited choices of what you can eat daily for 4 weeks and is designed so that each choice compliments the others and burns fat. Well whatever, it works. I'll dig it up and make it available here to whoever is interested. I've porked up over the holidays myself and could use it. Quitting smoking didn't help either, but it helped me to afford my bike so again, worth it.


Nov 3, 2001
It looks familiar but I seem to remember a lot of cottage cheese in mine.
I haven't found it yet but I'm sure my wife will(she likes me slim).
Just to be clear, that is the only stuff you are allowed to eat! I lasted 'till Friday of the fourth week until I got home from work and we were having grilled cheese sandwiches. I couldn't help myself. I think I had 5 or 6. They were great! When I find mine I'll pass it on. DVO


Oct 15, 2001
Down only 1 lb since last week. 230 to 217. 25 minutes on the X-trainer, then Spin class or aroebics 4 times a week + whatever riding I get in.


May 3, 2001
what would an hour a day of fairly intence punching on a heavy bag do for me?would that be cardio of what?Also what are some good foods to eat instead of unhealthy food?

insane JD

Sep 15, 2001
If you go out to eat look on the menu for a gardenburger, they are great and much healthier than a burger :) .


Jun 22, 2001
Ok very late but I wana lose weight.! 14 5-2 heavy...:mad: :mad: :mad: 168# I know I know I am too heavy but I got in the habit of eating!!!! I want to be 150.? what do you think I should be at my age and height? that looks a bit low or maybe not what do I know? But either way I want to lose weight, Ialot of my weight is because I have lots and lots of muscle the only problem is that it is covered in a layer of padding lol. :confused: :confused:

but if I lose weight I feel I will be able to whip my 02 yz250f around a bit better!!

Hope I am welcome!


Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Logansowner; this might not be so hard for you! Or maybe it will be. Are your parents of average height? Do you have any reason to believe that you will top out at 5'-2"? Amazing how a six-inch "growth spurt" will change your perspective on 168#.
That said, I sure wish I had paid attention to good eating habits when I was 14!!!
Best of luck!!


Jun 22, 2001
oh no I should get to be about 6 feet atleast, but I really want to start getting inshape now because MX is a demanding sport and I am competitive now and really hope to stay that way, that is really my biggest reason.
thnaks for your reply!! :) :)

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