
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
salgeek said:
How long is the typical D14 heat race/moto?

Those who train... lack talent.


D14 MX Motos last 12-14 minutes. Once you get comfortable doing the jumps I actually think MX is safer than HS or Enduros - slamming a tree at high speed scares me more than a big double jump.

Most of the big bike classes (other than the beginner "sport" classes) Pay cash only - no trophies, you won't pay for your weekend but it is not hard to get your sign up money back.

Log Road is a really safe track. Jumps are easy and if you chose not to clear them you are not dead and it won't cost you the race - go to an open practice day and check it out.

I find truth in your training quote. I know some really talented guys who don't train. Lucky for me, they usually don't race anymore ether. The talented ones who train as well are taking home the money.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
You can still get in on the SX game. You have until I think 7pm tonight to submit your top ten. DW, you are still invited to play even though I know you can't stand me. Plus the world wants to see what all those push ups and drinking the green nasty have done for you.

What ever Mark's technicality is, it does not count.

No editing your post ether - an edited post is an automatic photo.

Mully, you need to resubmit your picks prior to start or you will lose for sure (Fred T will not make the main event - no offence Freddy I still think you will beat Alessi #800 on the KTM 350).


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
How fitting, JS7 is going to win on a PINK Yamaha

I am told we will see lots of Pink - Breast Cancer weekend


Oct 2, 2005
09oneL said:
DW, you are still invited to play even though I know you can't stand me.
No true as I haven't any problems with ya. :cool:

I'll get my pic's together for tonight - It is a toss up between Don & Freddy. That is if they don't pull a muscle tossing a leg over their heaps or take one another out at sign up.....


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Sticking with original pics - yam7m sucks
Last edited:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Wolverine423 said:
It is a toss up between Don & Freddy. That is if they don't pull a muscle tossing a leg over their heaps or take one another out at sign up.....

That would be quite the battle to watch at signup, DW. Freddy T would go all MMA with a "high" kick.....which would just barely graze Don's kiwi's.....and Don would retaliate "bar-fight" style by grabbing one of the empty Jack bottles that are rolling around his trailer. PPV baby! I'll take Don in the second round....unless there's a step stool nearby.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
I am Changing my top ten:

What happened to "card laid, card played"????

Switching opens yourself up for protests. :think:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Yam7M said:
What happened to "card laid, card played"????

Switching opens yourself up for protests. :think:

OK, you are right (it hurt me to say that) you still suck! :nener:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
The race is on speed channel tomorrow at 4PM. The actual race is tonight. You can watch the scores only on http://live.amasupercross.com/ - just checked and it is going on now. Anyway, if you wait to watch it on TV I will be able to see that I beat you before the start (just like normal). ;)


Oct 2, 2005
Yam7M said:
That would be quite the battle to watch at signup, DW. Freddy T would go all MMA with a "high" kick.....which would just barely graze Don's kiwi's.....and Don would retaliate "bar-fight" style by grabbing one of the empty Jack bottles that are rolling around his trailer. PPV baby! I'll take Don in the second round....unless there's a step stool nearby.
:rotfl: I think second round would consist of idle threats due to lack of quality training. Don would threaten Freddy with a AARP spin class and Freddy would threaten Don with a long dog walk. ;)


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Wolverine423 said:
.........and Freddy would threaten Don with a long dog walk. ;)


Quote of the year right there. Your Award is in the mail.

So, who won? I haven't seen the results.....and my abacus and slide rule aren't quite as handy as I'd hoped, which I would need to use in order to figure out Boling's point system.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
So, after a call to my Asian buddy, I see that Boling and I tied with 25 points. That gives him one thing to be equal with me at.......

I see that Grant had 20 and Jordan had 18.....so, Mr. Little Mapes, its time to go pick up a slurpee and have a cold picture taken.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
I have it:

09oneL = 21
Yam7M = 19
Rivd809 = 17
Jord414 = 17

Sorry Mark, I'm not sure what to say about your math. :coocoo: are you sure your buddy's name wasn't Cheech or Chong?

IMO Jordon loses because he has only 1 five point (picking the correct position) and Grant has 2. Perhaps we should refer to the Enduro Chairman?

I had a good afternoon fishing, 22 total - got a little work to do.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
I have it:

09oneL = 21
Yam7M = 19
Rivd809 = 17
Jord414 = 17

Sorry Mark, I'm not sure what to say about your math. :coocoo: are you sure your buddy's name wasn't Cheech or Chong?

IMO Jordon loses because he has only 1 five point (picking the correct position) and Grant has 2. Perhaps we should refer to the Enduro Chairman?

I had a good afternoon fishing, 22 total - got a little work to do.

I protest!!!

I scored it, per your rules, and the email is in your box.

Grant, you owe us a photo..... :laugh:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Yam7M said:
I protest!!!

I scored it, per your rules, and the email is in your box.

Grant, you owe us a photo..... :laugh:
"LOL. You knew an old number cruncher points keeper who wrote rule books was going to be disecting your contest and outcome, right??"


you only get 1 point category. None of this 5+1 crap. I should have known to make it clearer. I do actually see your way of scoring but, it is not what I meant it to be. Let's once again allow the Enduro Chairman to decide OK?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
It works like this.

you pick your top 10 plcs.

you get 5 points for picking any that actually get the place you picked.

you get 1 point for every rider that you pick that is in the top 10

you get 2 points for being only one place away from your pick (if you pick a rider for 6th and he gets 5th or 7th you get 2 points) - you get nothing if you picked 10th and the guy got 11th.

Where does it say you don't get points for both??

If you picked First place (Stewart, like you did), you get 1 point for picking him in the top ten, and you get an additional 5 points for picking his position correctly. That's exactly what your posted rules state.

Seems pretty clear to me... :)


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
Yam7M said:
Where does it say you don't get points for both??

If you picked First place (Stewart, like you did), you get 1 point for picking him in the top ten, and you get an additional 5 points for picking his position correctly. That's exactly what your posted rules state.

Seems pretty clear to me... :)

I'll bet Grant and Jordon scored it my way. It says you get 5 points for picking the correct position. It does not say you get an additional point for that pick being in the top ten. Who is to say that expanding on your way wouldn't go 5 for the correct position + 1 for top ten + 2 more for being within one place?.

Looking for the "I LOVE OBAMA" tag :)

Tom, We need your help here, Spore is pulling some shat.

I am OK ether way (not really) but, Your method although it works, it makes it more complicated and it is not the way I meant it and it is not the way I play with my buddy (he beat me by 1 point - in my way - perhaps I should score it your way and protest him?).

Did anyone else score it/understand it one way or the other?

Keep in mind that my way gives us 2 pics and Mark's new tag.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
It works like this.

you pick your top 10 plcs.

you get 5 points for picking any that actually get the place you picked.

you get 1 point for every rider that you pick that is in the top 10

you get 2 points for being only one place away from your pick (if you pick a rider for 6th and he gets 5th or 7th you get 2 points) - you get nothing if you picked 10th and the guy got 11th.

Your explaination of the 2 point circumstance and rule above is clear....you only get two points if you're one position off.

And it's equally clear that you get one point for every rider that you guess correctly in the top ten.

I'm betting that Jordan and Grant don't care. :laugh:



Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008

I find it easier just to give in here. I would like to hear from the Master Chairman tdunn976.

I would like Mark to layout the rules for any future games (I think you should just get one category). I had fun playing and I hope we can play again. I do think we need a prize for winning rather than a punishment for losing (perhaps Mully can get us a tshirt from a site sponsor - just get a bunch of size larges - my size ;) ).

Mark, you can fish my pond anytime and I will provide a shanty, heater, motor auger, bait and of course beverages of your choice. I will be in Mexico next week on vacation (riding a CRF 450), so I will not be able to claim my prize until I return (providing we play).


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
09oneL said:
I will be in Mexico next week on vacation (riding a CRF 450)


I'll post my ten this week.

So, I was in a hurry to go pick up my daughter....drove the wifes Subaru...so I could try and get back to the house to catch some of the main event of the SX race last night. I hit an icy patch of road, blew through a 3 way intersection and into a guys front lawn. Buried the Outback real good. Luckily the guy was great......and had a 4x4 with a blade. Took a little work, but we got 'er out. I missed all of the racing. Then I was flipping between epidsodes of Pawn Stars, The Rush "Beyond the Lighted Stage" documentary, and the R30 concert on VH1. Was there some type of sporting event on that I missed?? Heard some blabbing about it? :think:


Aug 23, 2003
Although I understand your intent, and believe you beat Mr. Spore fairly, the way the rules are written and being anal also, I must rule on Mr. Spores scoring for This event.
All event to follow will follow the rules as intended with the additional wording of "Only 1 score per pick" added to the rules.
Enjoy Mexico!


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 7, 2008
tdunn976 said:
Although I understand your intent, and believe you beat Mr. Spore fairly

Thanks Tom, I knew you would figure it out and state it in the most politicly correct way - yam7 sucks :nener:

So, we only have one loser - - - - - Rivard809 - - - - - need a cold pic! I would like the picture in front of the local Ponderosa.

We do need a prize for the winner, any ideas?
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