LBL Turkey Bay Fall Ride Nov. 15


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I've got a tarp or two and some rope.

I don't plan on getting wet!  Optimism!!! :)



Jun 8, 1999
0 said am showers this morning but now saying 70% rain. Hows that for optimism. Sunday sposed to be 62 and partly cloudy though. Anybody up for a Sunday ride instead?


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I can ride from about 12:30 to 4:30 on Sunday.

But if this in turning into a Sunday ride...I need to know ASAP!  I'm going to get the food tonight.  And if we're not riding tomorrow, I'm going to go to St. Louis and get my bike from Eddie's.

If this turns into a Sunday ride CALL ME.


If I can get the KTM, and the rain breaks tomorrow, us locals will probably be out there riding.

Weather channel is showing rain through 3pm tomorrow,  and 66 degrees with 10% chance of rain Sunday.

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Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
0 they're showing 80% chance of rain through 6:00 pm. :(

But I just got off the phone with Eddie.  They're still coming and bringin my bike, so LET'S RIDE!!!

This will separate the men from the boys.  Who's man enough to ride in the rain with us?  We drove all the way to Indiana last year to ride with Jaybird and wheelie in 35 degree rain!!  Surely you sissies can ride in 52 degree rain!

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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
uhhhhh you guys are afraid of a wittle wain? waaaaaa waaaaa What's the difference between creek/river crossings and riding in a little shower. Turkey Bay doesn''t get muddy when it rains, you get traction, chances to roost your buddies. It'd have to rain awfully hard for it to even get through the tree limbs and leaves for you to even feel it.

Bundy and I will be there around 9:00 to ride with whoever else has the will to ride.



Jul 26, 1999
I don't mean to sound like a wimp, because, I don't mind riding in the rain.  But, I already have a sore throat and congestion.  I'm on a deadline at work, and I can't afford to get sick.  The forecast does not look promising.

I may stay home and edit DW video.  :whiner:

I wish the weather was going to be good.  I was really looking forward to going.  I catch you guys on the next one.

Forecast for Bham tomorrow:  Clear, sunny and 65.  Maybe I'll go riding around here.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Originally posted by Darby
Im there. Cal will be late so I will ride his new bike before he does.


Nice signature.  Like you finger needs to be pulled!? :flame:  :uh:

Alright, I'm the first one to say it...Tim's a wimp! ;)

Hey Darby, make sure you bring the picture from DW of us and Dr. D.  Paddy needs to see it. :p


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I scraped the hotel idea for last night. Driving up this morning.

No way I can miss this ride just because of a lil rain. Darby, Corey, and Lonnie would never let me live it down! Sides...if Eddie is ridin, then I'm ridin too by dern!

I'm bringin my trailer and it can give us some shelter for eatin if need be...and an easy-up so we can have a place for Darby to eat too, in case his finger is fully functional at lunch time. :)

Gettin ready to head out the door...see y'all soon!

Darryl K

Oct 10, 2001
Well it's a little late for my trail report but here is the overview from Friday. A few light showers during the day, kept the dust down. A few mud holes here and there but the creeks were mostly dry. Trails overall were typical TB. Hard hack clay and very rocky. Just watch out for the leaves, they tended to conceal a lot of rocks and rain ruts.

On my last loop I was on a fairly open trail tapped out in 5th, next thing I remember was my buddy asking me if I was ok back at the truck.
Been at the clinic taking x-rays all morning--several broken ribs, a sprained wrist, damage to a lower vertabra, trail rash and bruises. My buddy said it was spectacular, just wish I could remember even though he said I was only unconcious for about 15-20 seconds.

I have to say we still had a blast!


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Sorry about your crash, Darryl.  Jaybird has some battle scars from todays ride as well.

For all you sissies... :moon:   You missed a great ride.  Very wet and cool, but great ride!  I just walked in the door.  I think it's time for a hot shower! :thumb:



Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by CAL
For all you sissies... :moon:   You missed a great ride.  Very wet and cool, but great ride!  I just walked in the door.  I think it's time for a hot shower! :thumb: 

Sorry i had to miss it!  Glad to hear you gyus had fun.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I always enjoy seeing my DRN brothers and sisters no matter the conditions.
Yesturday was for sure one of those days that you have to either be crazy or love this stuff to participate.
I think most of us are a little of both! :)
Hope everyone made it home safe and sound.

I'll post a report in the Ride Report forum.


Sep 26, 2001
Would have liked to have rode with you guys again but the shoulder was still acting up on Friday, so I backed out. Maybe next time. I am hoping to still get to ride in KY. before it gets to cold. Later, Mike


Jul 12, 2001
I missed last Saturday's ride. Mike and I were on our way to Lynnville, IN to the 4th Mid-South Series Harescramble. Riding with you guys would've surely been more fun, but any riding is good. For you local guys or sick guys, the weather looks outstanding for this coming Saturday. It may be one of the last good ones for awhile, of course there's Thanksgiving weekend, but who knows what the weather will do then.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
I'm going to try my best to be out there for half a day this Saturday and hopefully Friday or Saturday of T'Day weekend.  I gotta break in that new bike!


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