
Apr 1, 2001
Met up with a few of the boys Sat. A.M. out in the Phelan foothills for a little R&R. It's always fun to ride with a few younger, faster guys, as this is the only way I'll push myself.
The guest list included MXBundy, RMJeff, A454Elk & Jr., Thumbs, The Eel, Old'nslo, Elks' friend Wayne, and some late arrivals like Fred2(don't call me george), and a couple others.
The day started wiyh introductions, and a "where do we go first" discussion. After a couple warm-up laps on the track, we all mounted up for a quick trail ride over to the monster sand hill.
Most of the guys that dared easily made the climb several times, (including Bundy on that amazing little 250F!), although Eels trick new Husky WR125 was having a tough go at it, and a certain Cr with low compression (no names to protect the owner) was only good for half-way. I got to try the 'F' on the monster climb, and after a first failed attempt, (I was in the wrong gear!), I easily made the climb. Awesome little bike!
454s' friend Wayne, a local, soon showed up to give us a tour of some nice, tight, twisty, rocky, enduro type trails.I was in heaven, even though I was pretty much the 'sweep' rider.
After atrip to the road jump, we headed back to the trucks for lunch and refreshment, then while some stayed to play moto-x, Eel, Wayne, Bundy, Oldn'slo, and myself elected to go on another enduro run. Hey Wayne, (aka Bulldog), if you happen to sneak over here to DRN to read this, I have a nice bruise/scratch on my right bicep from one of those scrappy Scrub Oaks that jumped out in front of me, and my pretty black helmet now looks like I drug it through a sand pit. I love those kind of trails!
Back to the trucks again to say our goodbyes, and plan our next one. Hey Elk-thanks for posting the ride: it's always great to meet and ride with the people on this site. You can sure get some pretty air on that RM!
Jeff- I'm glad that wasn't you on the ground I almost hit. I know another tumble right now might change your mind about riding.
Eel-Just keep playing with the shock- you'll get it soon. How'd you feel the next day? Not very many witnesses; we'll keep it our secret.
Oldn'slo- it was great having someone to ride with at the back. I had no desire to run the pace these younger guys can.You did great on the sand hills. I know they're really tough on a thumper.
Bundy-fast, as always. Glad you're willing to ride with us 'slow' guys.
Wayne(Bulldog)- I'll be back!
:D :D

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Fun day !! Phelan is great. Lots of different things to do here - hill climbs, a neat little MX track, lots of single track, rocks, and lots of really tight, twisty stuff with trees clawin' at ya.

A great bunch showed up. Nice to see some familiar faces - KTMBoy, MXBundy, OldnSlo, Thumbs - and some new - Elk and his son and BullDog Wayne. And I finally got to meet RMJeff .... nice guy. Thanks Elk for setting it up. Elk is a jumper !!! He was catching nice air on his 'Zuk.

I had a lot of fun at the sand hill. In defense of the little Husky, I still need to learn how to ride it to its advantage. I made it up the hill twice or maybe three times - but I must have tried it about 12 times !!!! Me and Thumbs should get medals for trying that hill on our 125s. It was also cool watching Bundy rip around around the MX track and Wayne took us out for a really great trail ride.

I also had a rather unfortunate incident at speed through a whoop section. Thanks KTMBoy and RMJeff. My wrist is sore, my knee is sore. I've got a black and blue lump on my thigh and a pressure abrasion on my shoulder. I'm A-OK. 'Nuff said !! :D

The "Other People's Bike Tests" continued and I got to ride Bundy's 250F and KTMBoy's KTM 360 E/XC. Both nice bikes. the 250F has got to be the best handling bike I've ridden. And the powerband on it is amazing ! It's a shame I can't start it. :( KTMBoy's 360 has MONSTER torque and nice plush suspenders. Cool bikes.

I was a little concerned about my shock settings so I stayed on and rode the MX track for an hour or so and worked on the clicker settings.

I will definitely be going back to Phelan.


Sponsoring Member
May 10, 2001

Thanks for inviting me to ride with you guys. Too bad I didn't get there earlier. I know that we missed out on some good riding with you guys. And I didn't get a chance to meet all of you. The little we did see was awesome. We really want to go there again.

We're looking forward to an Ocatillo ride in a couple months. Hopefully we'll make it on time for the next one.


Apr 11, 2001
Dang! Missed a good one...

RMjeff/Eeler, Thumbs, 'boy: ya'all got the tight, wooded trails scoped out? We'd sure like to see those later this year...

Elk: what does Jr. ride?

Jr. & I had to miss this one:( We'll certainly try to work in the next one, so long as it's on a Sunday or not an enduro w/e. I had other appointments to keep Sat, & didn't have my bike back together.

Extra shorty (son #3; RM80) & I got to go to Baldy Mesa on Sunday; we took it easy to break in his & my new pistons. The weather was awfully pleasant, & the sky clear blue; must'a been just fine for U guys Sat.


Jun 5, 2001
Place, Jr. rides a 92 yz125, or sometimes it rides him!!

I have to say that the Sat. ride was one of the funnest I've been on for a while. It's great to put a face with the posts I've been replying to. I'm glad you all enjoyed Wayne's backyard, he's always been a good tour guide for me.

Fred and crew, glad you made it up, I know it was a long trek but I know you'll agree that it was worth it.
RMjeff, good meeting you, we'll stay in touch and plan some more zuki rides!
ktmboy, nice seeing a ktm out there, it seemed like it was right a home, and if not, you sure made it look that way!
Eel, glad to hear you made it out of the tumble fine, still would have like to see it! My kid had a bout with the woops too, he's got some good bruises to prove it, but he was more concerned that he didn't scratch his new pro circuit pipe!!
Thumbs, what can I say, it was a pleasure having you along as always! You and Eel get the climbing award, I think the hill was more tired than your two 125's!
Bundy, got to say that you throw that 250f around like nothing! Try and speed up a little on the track! hahahaha just kidding, I couldn't keep up if I tried.
And finally oldn'slo, thanks for joining us, your always welcome to join in anytime!
We tried to follow the guys that took the last ride with Bulldog but we lost your scent after a while, sorry we missed it. I took the guys for a short jaunt
and then returned them home, safe and sound.
I think I'm finally used to the new rm, took a little bit after being on my 92 for ever! Stay tuned for another ride post. We'll plan something soon.
If anyone needs to get a hold of me, get me at work, 714-705-6010. You can ask for Elk but you might get hung up on so try Carlo!
Long live the Elk


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
The only thing that I'm going to say is......"I want a YZF250"

Carlo - email me your address. I got some good pics of you doing a heal clicker.


Jun 5, 2001
Just put a big gun exhaust on your CR, that'll be enough. Don't go to the dark side, use the force Luke!


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Hey guys,

As always I had alot of fun. It seems everyone ive met through DRN are genuinly nice people. You dont know how many people Ive met an went riding with and never heard from again. Now I have a whole bunch of new friends who are just like me, die hard riders who will commit and actually show up for a ride.:cool:
But on a sad note, when we went on that last trail ride I had a runin with some tree branchs and now I have got what appears to be poison ivy all over me. Man this sucks, I have big festering bumps all over that itch like hell. Docter says to stay at home and keep cool, put me on steriods and antihistimenes, so it looks like a little down time for the bunster. I dont care about work, but I need to be clear for next weekend. Taking the whole family and friends to Lake Naciamento for 4 days. But the docter says no direct sun light, and it could take up to 10 days to clear this.:(

well, se you all later


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Dark Side

Oh Thuuuuuuuummmbs, Thhhhhummmmbsssss

You'll like it here in the Darkness

Be with us, be one of us

On the Dark Side



Aug 29, 2001
Phelan Phun

I had a great time. It was nice to hook up with a bunch of people I didn`t know and have so much fun.
Thanx Elk for getting us all together.
Thanx to Eel for the water, I didn`t seal my camelback well enuf.
And a big thanx to everyone else for waiting for me to catchup.
Elk, if we had only none you guys wanted to go. I needed more people in front of me so that I could follow the dust trail better.
And another thanx to KTMboy for going slow so I wasn`t to alone at the back. I thought I was hauling a$$.

Can`t wait till next time


Apr 13, 2000
Bundy - That sucks.......

Good luck and hope your healed so you can take the fam out.


Apr 1, 2001
Bundy- I was whining about the scratches and bruises on my arms--sounds like I came out pretty good considering. Sorry to hear about that.:(
Thumbs- I had no idea you were on a 125. No wonder the sand hill got you. There is nothing better than displacement on that hill. My hat is off to both you and Eel for even attempting it.:D
Jeff- Check out Eels' Gorman post. End of the month. Are you in? How about the rest of you guys? Elk? Oldandslo? Thumbs? Bundy?


Jun 5, 2001
I knew there was a reason I diodn't find you guys on the last trail ride, poison ivy sucks bro! Hope you get rid of it asap. I'll keep up on the posts for Gorman, not sure yet. Trying to do a ride at Elsinore on a Wed. again with MXDad and company. I'll post it to see if anyone else wants to go. Cya

Thumbs, if you sell it, they will come. Don't do it, don't listen to holeshot, he's delirious. Think CR250 or RM250. See you at Elsinore!


Jun 5, 2001
Hey thumbs, thanks for the pix, got them today! You can tell it was windy out there, I didn't whip it on purpose!! Cya

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
It must be super poison ivy to cover that much ground :p


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.

< sounds of heavy breathing >

THUMBS, take my hand and come over to the dark side.With you by my side we shall rule through out the MX universe. The emperour has become weak from all the fights with the rebal alliance that is the EPA and CARB. ( plus it needs a top end job ) We can defeat the smelly scurge that is the 2 stroke! The 2 stroke has ruled the universe since the dawn of recorded history, but its spooge drooling days are short, the 4 stroke is the wave of the future.The time is NOW! Feel the power that is the dark side, you will stand in defiance of any obstacle in your path.We shall rule with an iron fist and the sound of our fire breathin diesels will strike fear in the hearts of all who ride at Phelon!

later mxbundy


Apr 1, 2001
ROTFLOL-The 'dark side' stuff is funny, but the 'super poison ivy' comment sent me off my chair!
Thumbs- You need to ride my KTM before you decide. You need to see what kind of bottom end power an open 2-stroke can really make. Picture an XR650 that weighs 230 lbs. with a nitrous switch!

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
You're very convincing Bundy ... I could feel myself almost rushing over to Yamaha of North Hollywood in my landspeeder.


Apr 1, 2001
Look away! Don't look him in the eye! Walk quickly in the other direction! It's witchcraft I tell you!:p


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
Not to worry KTM(boy?), you'll have to get rid of the pantyhose habit before you can come over to the Dark Side. That's a bit too skeeery here in the darkness. :scream: :eek:
Last edited:


Jun 5, 2001
I'm speechless! Well maybe just for a second, OK now I can talk. I almost fell into the dianetics speech from bundy. Wow, that was close! He had me wearing my Nike's while I layed on my little pad with a blanket over my head. The only four strokes allowed in Phelon are of the Chevy type, or maybe a Ford here and there! We live in a society of turmoil, the dark side is attempting to take our children and show them the path of evil but good shall prevail. I am your father bundy. You and your brother holeshot are of one entity, your body says thumper but there is a 2 stroker screaming to get out. Close your eyes and you will feel it, the high revs, the smoke and ooze is like heaven in a frame. Jump I say, jump to your feet and shout, "They will not take my body nor my mind". Be strong and you shall see the light and the premix!


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Bundy and Elk - You guys are killin me over here. After reading the last few post my gut hurts from laughing so hard.

I'm doing a new top end in the cr next weekend so that will be one problem solved. As for going over to the dark side I think I'm going to do it. However I'm only going to do it if I can keep the 2-stroke. So it look like I need to start saving my money so I can belong to both sides.

Does that make everyone happy?

ktmboy - I'll take you up on your offer next time we ride.
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